Cat Attack was developed as apart of 2023 - 2024 AP Computer Science Video Game Project.
Feb 9, 2024 - Apr 2, 2024; 53 days of work!
Release from pre-production! Thank you to our artist & music composer, as well as our coding team, read credits below.
While newer releases may roll out slower if at all after this, minor patches will be released soon.
Simon N, Mason Z, Esan Y, Tyler G
Alex F.
Music Composer:
Monica M.
v.1.0.0: release notes:
v.0.3.0-beta pushed to release, no further changes at of this moment, some minor changes will be implemented, collected user input + suggestions during testing, still compiling, may take action based on some suggestions and implement. Current version notes below.
🎮 Controls
Player One - Katze
- A - move left
- D - move right
- W - jump
- S - attack
- Q - shield
- 1, 2, 3: different stats
Player Two - Skin Walker
- ⬅️ - move left
- ➡️ - move right
- ⬆️ - jump
- ⬇️ - attack
- SHIFT - shield
- 8, 9, 0: different stats
Main Menu
- ESC - will bring up controls, similar to how control button behaves in the pause game menu?
- Start button - starts the game
In Game
- ESC - pauses the game, can also be used to unpause if paused - brings up pause game menu
- restart button: resets the game & return players to Main Menu
- resume button: resumes the game, you can also press ESC to do the same
- controls button: will open a window that allows you to understand the controls + game
End Screen
- automatic bring up, 500 counter (will play when victory music ends) - game over options
- restart button: resets the game & return players to Main Menu
- quit button: closes the program and exits
✅ Completed Features
- Background - main background, with the carpet seperate as an "item" to appear like character has a walk cycle + floor is carpet like
- Movement - able to complete basic movement, gravity + jump is working
- Controls - basic controls for abilities + movements, see above for keybinds
- Music -, contains two functions, run() + close() - this function will play sound on loop until close()
- Animations - check +, able to call functions for animations
- Shield - character ability to shield, temp-allows protection against attacks + retain ability to attack, has cooldown time that is not apparent visibily in game
- Attack - character ability to attack, currently one basic attack
- Win/Loss System - has a win + loss conditions, with respective screens, ends game
- Menu - basic menu with [play button] working
- Added pause game menu with [controls button] [restart game button] [resume button]
- Added controls menu, allows players to take a look at control keybinds
- Added game over options, allow users to restart or quit the game
- Added button sound effects, has button SFX
- Combo System - a combo system, a specific combination moves will be able to enable a certain actions or effects towards an enemy
🚧Work in Progress Features
Note: 🔵 - New functions | 🟡 - Updating existing code | 🔵🟡- Tested code, not yet implemented entirely
- Menu 🟡- custom menu music, will pause when [Play Button] is hit and play game music, add setting + game info buttons
- Health Bar 🟡 - basic health bar, proned to be revamped for visual and fucntional purposes
- Profile Picture 🟡🔵- add profile picture next to character to symbolize each character + current used stat, check code annotations
🚨 Bugged Features
- Sound Effects - graphicPanel function, playSound() - this function will play the sound with "filePath" once when called.
Problem: certain sound effects being buggy, overlayed - walking sounds removed - Character Stats Select - check above at controls for more info, able to change individual character stats for buffs/debuffs tradeoffs
Problem: disable ability to change stats midgame, add a pregame to select character + stats - Damage Animation - when hit, a character will play a short damage animation, function .damage() in
Problem: visual glitch, when hit, doesn't disable and plays in loop (currently removed from usage due to bug)
🔮 Future Proposed Features
- Character Select Screen - choosing characters, and allowing players to select their stats as they wish, related to Character Stats Select
- Menu Cont. - able to mute music + sfx
- Health Bar - revamp health bar for both visual and functional purposes
- Varied Maps - able to switch and choose maps pregame
- Exported EXE - runnable file or online host the game