"Be diligent in cutting and grinding, be meticulous in polishing and refinin. -- Classic of Poetry"
Vi is short for “visual editor” and it is available in nearly identical form on every UNIX-like system.
Vim is a Unix based text editor that is fast and efficient as it can be run through a terminal. Vim is also commonly referred to Vi as the terms are interchangeable and both terms usually refer to Vim.
NeoVim is a refactor of Vim, primarily a more maintainable and extensible command-line interface (CLI) application, better support for asynchronous plugin execution and built-in terminal emulation.
- Nerd Fonts.
- Neovim v0.8.x.
- Node.js v16+.
npx zx install.mjs
This program is free software. You can redistribute and/or modify it under Apache License published by the Apache Software Foundation, as well as Copyleft under ThingsEngine project. The contributions are shared with the hope that this program will be useful, helpful and inspiring, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.