This libre centers text in the terminal just download the python file import it into your file and there is examples on how to use it
there is a time.sleep(ammount of time)/ time.sleep(8) this is for basically the update/fps you can change this this is here incase someone wants to resize the terminal so it keep redrawing the terminal like 0.0001 to update to the rezie of a termianl window but if you are fine without it and are fine with a locked terminal then just remove everything about time.sleep(8) or anything with time.sleep()
##you store the text you want to center in a variable
#text_to_center = "Hello, World!"
##then you make a variable that is going to center the text then do center_text(your variable)
#centered_text = center.center_text(text_to_center)
##then print your text and it will center
#text_to_center = "I like apples"
#centered_text = center.center_text(text_to_center)
#text_to_center = "oh and oranges to"
#centered_text = center.center_text(text_to_center)
##you can also change the refresh rate by doing
#center.refresh_rate = 5 or whatever value you want and that is how many times
##the center libre refreshs the terminal so thats why you put everything in a while loop