npm install
- Copy .env.example to .env and fill in everything without a default value.
- Create a MySql user with credentials
- Create a database with a
npm run migrate
npm run seed
npm start
npm install
npm run dev
- Copy .env.example to test/test.env and fill in everything without a default value.
- Create a MySql user with credentials
- Create a database with a DATABASE_NAME
npm run migrate-test
npm test
- Ensure the server is running with
npm start
- Ensure the frontend is running with
npm run dev
- Ensure the database is seeded with
npm seed
npm test
- Create docker image with
docker build -t next-graphql-template:latest .
- Run the image with
docker run -p 4000:4000 --env-file prod.env next-graphql-template:latest
- Install the PlanetScale CLI
pscale auth login
pscale database create <database>
pscale service-token create
, save result to PLANETSCALE_SERVICE_TOKEN_NAME and PLANETSCALE_SERVICE_TOKEN to prod.envpscale service-token add-access <service_token_name> connect_production_branch --database <database>
pscale branch create <database> <branch>
pscale shell <database> <branch>
- Run sql from latest knex migration output to terminal (ex
create table
andalter table
) - test changes manually with
pscale connect <database> <branch> --execute 'npm start'
pscale deploy-request create <database> <branch>
- verify changes with
pscale branch diff <database> <branch>
pscale deploy-request list <database>
pscale deploy-request deploy <database> <deploy-request-number>
(found with deploy-request list)pscale branch delete <database> <branch>