The low-cost, modular fiber-coupled laser illumination system is an open source device that houses a diode laser coupled into a multimode optical fiber, and provides friendly and stable operation. This system can be assembled with lasers of a variety of colors, and has been tested with 488 nm, 405 nm, and 638 nm. Its modular design allows you to reuse and improve individual parts, combine them, exchange them or easily use them on their own.
i Note: This system builds upon resources from: i i 1.- SQUID-TRACKING. i Li, Hongquan, et al. "Squid: simplifying quantitative imaging platform development and deployment." bioRxiv (2020): 2020-12. i i 2.- Open-source laser engine Schröder, Daniel, et al. "Cost-efficient open source laser engine for microscopy." Biomedical Optics Express 11.2 (2020): 609-623.
To learn more about this system and other free technologies for bioimaging, we invite you to visit the LIBRE hub website.