The modular fiber-coupled laser illumination is a free and open-source system that features lasers with various wavelengths coupled in a single optic fiber, enabling easy digital selection without any structural modifications. The system is modular, allowing individual parts to be repurposed and improved in the open-source hardware sense, and easily combined, exchanged, or used on their own.
- Assembly instructions
- Usage instructions
This project is documented with GitBuilding - an OpenSource project for documenting hardware projects. For more information on the GitBuilding project, or how to install GitBuilding please see the GitBuilding website
To edit the documentation you do not need to install anything, the documentation files can be opened in a plain text editor such as Windows Notepad, Notepad++, gedit, VS Code, etc. We recommend installing GitBuilding to preview any changes to the documentation. GitBuilding also comes with a browser-based editor that has a live display of the final HTML documentation.
If you have ever used markdown you will notice that the files you are editing are markdown files. GitBuilding uses an extended markdown syntax (that we call BuildUp). This allows you to keep track of parts in the documentation. More detailed documentation is available on the GitBuilding website. There is also additional syntax for configuration, and for part libraries.
You're free to fork the project and enhance it. If you have any suggestions to improve it or add any additional functions make a pull-request or open an issue. For interactions in our team and with the community applies the GOSH Code of Conduct.
CERN OHL 2W © Francisco Martinez, Matías Hurtado-Labarca, Pierre Padilla-Huamantinco, and Vicente Parot. This project is Open Source Hardware - please acknowledge us when using the hardware or sharing modifications.