An Arduino project for using RFID tags and it's UIDs as keys for triggering relays and open doors.
Before you go and buy one RFID-RC522 and start using this script, make sure your chip is working correctly. There are hundreds of chip sellers and some ofthem are fakes or just broken.
- First download this rfid library which contains a fix for compilation issues.
- Install the downloaded library to your Arduino library folder.
- Install the sha library from libarary folder in current repo.Which was copied from [here](
- (optional) Prepare your RFID
- Use the examples to reset your RFID UID numbers to something else than the factory ones. (not necessary sincethey should be randomized)
- (advanced) Update the key A (and key B) if possible so it's no longer using the factory one.
- Upon first test runs, you will see the hashed UID value in the serial console. Use the hash to set it as new "hashedUID".
- Now you are able to use only your selected RFID for opening/closing the relay.
- You may also override the same UID for other cards and use them too or update the code to use a list of UID hashes.
- if you see that we cannot connect to your RFID, probable your manufacturer uses different keys. Try this example script to figure out which key to use.