vzrepair - script for OpenVZ 6 for boot container to repair mode (same as repair from PCS/Virtuozzo)
It work on CentOS 6 and only with ploop based containers.
License: GPLv2
wget --no-check-certificate https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FastVPSEestiOu/vzrepair/master/vzrepair.pl -O /usr/local/sbin/vzrepair
chmod +x /usr/local/sbin/vzrepair
wget --no-check-certificate https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FastVPSEestiOu/vzrepair/master/open_vestat_bash_completion -O /etc/bash_completion.d/vzrepair_bash_completion
vzrepair.pl [ --help ] < --ctid CTID > [ --start | --stop | --status ]
--help Print help message
--ctid Container CTID
--start Start repair - stop container if it running, create and start repair container, mount root.hdd from main container to /repair/
--password Used only whith --start . Set password to repair container. By default(without param) - use password from main container. If set "rand" - set random pass.
--template Used only whith --start . Set maunal template for repair container. Use $set_only_local_templates variable, for use it only with local templates or not
--stop Stop repair - stop and delete repair container
--status Show status - we have repair container for this CTID or not
--silent Not show debug output(json output be print)
--json Print json message, use it with --silent, to have only json output
We use 1000000000+ number for repair CTIDs.
Repair CTID = CTID + 1000000000.
Hostname changed to "repair.HOSTNAME" on repair container.
In fact it create new container and mount ploop from needed container to /repair/ directory.
And it add to new container chroot-prepair script for more simple chroot in /repair/.
Please see check_and_change_ostemplate sub - it have rules for mutate ostemplate(used if you not set template via --template key)