/* if distance between current location and selected marker is less then 1000 meter
- Audio can be playable.
- Purpose of the this condition is, provide an audio guide when user go to destination without turist guide as person.
- People can have listener from museum. But this is not preferable due to corona virus or hygiene condition for some people.
- We are giving chance to listen those audio guide from personel device.
- Payment plan can be generable after a while.
- For example premium plan:
- All audios can be reachable without distance restriction
- This is just an idea */
// REFERENCES /* To get map and get location,googles MapsActivityCurrentPlace tutorial was used as reference.
/ //Important //API Keys and Restrictions / 2 api keys was used in this project
1.to get current location
this api is avaliable only android applications
selected api's are Geocoding API Geolocation API Distance Matrix API Directions API Maps Elevation API Maps Embed API Maps SDK for Android Places API Roads API
***just Maps SDK for Android ,Geocoding API and Geolocation API are using inside project ***sha key finger print belongs to my personal computer
- to get direction
its restriction is ip addresses. **************** IMPORTANT ********************
When you test the project , IPv4 or IPv6 address should be added.
Selected api's are Directions API Geocoding API Geolocation API
// Important /* Current location is now shown in my android virtual device (Nexus 5 API 30). My location is also not visible google maps application inside avd.There is a problem with avd. But when i tested it on real device,it shows the correct current location */