Show your PreciousStones on your Dynmap for your Minecraft server, with support for SimpleClans.
See this plugin on Hangar
See this plugin on SpigotMC
- /dynmapps or /dps - The primary command. Lists other commands
- /dps reload - Reloads the configuration
- /dps forceupdate - Forces a map update
- dynmapps.*
- dynmapps.command.*
- dynmapps.command
- dynmapps.command.reload
- dynmapps.command.forceupdate
# Language #
# What language you wish to use.
# The name of the file in the lang/ folder to use for configuration.
# Default is en which results in lang/en.yml
rebuild_time: 60
# Debug #
# Whether or not to log debug information
debug: false
# Worlds #
# The names of the worlds that should not be included
- "world_creative"
# Layers #
# The layers to be used for your PreciousStones
# layer:
# id: The id of this layer that will be used in dynmap (changes take effect after restart)
# label: The name of the layer that will show on dynmap (changes take effect after restart)
# fields: A list of fields to include in this layer. Relates to the "title" option on PreciousStones
# combine: Whether or not to combine overlapping fields into one marker (prevents a map mess, but can improve build time)
# priority: The order in which fields should show up on the layers menu (not actual in-map layering)
# display: Options for the naming of the markers
# detect_clans: When a clan is detected, use clan_name instead of name
# name: The name for every marker. See language file for supported variables
# clan_name: The name for every clan. See language file for supported variables
# style: Settings for the style of a layer
# fill_color: The color that markers should be filled in with
# fill_opacity: The opacity of the fill (1.0 to 0.0)
# stroke_color: The color of the outline of each marker
# stroke_opacity: The opacity of the outline (1.0 to 0.0)
# stroke_weight: How thick the stroke of the marker is in pixels
- id: protection_fields
label: "Protection Fields"
- "protection"
- "repellent"
combine: true
priority: 1
detect_clans: true
name: "%owner%"
clan_name: "Clan %clan%"
fill_color: "#FFFFFF"
fill_opacity: 0.2
stroke_color: "#000000"
stroke_opacity: 1.0
stroke_weight: 1
- id: force_fields
label: "Force Fields"
- "force"
priority: 2
combine: false
detect_clans: false
name: "%owner%"
clan_name: "Clan %clan%"
fill_color: "#CC3333"
fill_opacity: 0.2
stroke_color: "#CC3333"
stroke_opacity: 1.0
stroke_weight: 2