Provides a link between Discord and your Minecraft server.
See this plugin on Hangar
See this plugin on SpigotMC
- /truediscordlink or /discordlink or /discord or /tdl - The primary command. Lists other commands
- /tdl reload - Reloads the configuration
- /tdl link [username] - Initiates the linking process
- /tdl link yes - Confirms that the registered Discord user is in fact the correct one
- /tdl link no - Responds to inform to re-run tdl link with the first few characters
- /tdl unlink - Unlinks your Discord and Minecraft accounts.
You can add custom commands in the configuration. These are the default ones.
You can change the prefix in the configuration. This is the default one.
- tdl!link confirm - The final step of the linking process to confirm that it is, indeed, you
- tdl!ping - Pings the bot to ensure it's online.
- truediscordlink.*
- truediscordlink.command.*
- truediscordlink.command.discord
- truediscordlink.command.reload
- truediscordlink.command.unlink
- truediscordlink.tagging
# Language #
# The name of the file in the lang/ folder to use for configuration.
# Default is en which results in lang/en.yml
lang: en
# Configured #
# Set this to true once you have configured the configuration.
configured: false
# Webhooks #
# Webhooks can only be used for relaying messages. They cannot be used to receive messages.
# Whether or not webhooks should be enabled.
enabled: true
# A list of webhooks to send messages to.
# Whether or not to use the player's skin as the avatar for the webhook.
use_avatar: true
# The URL that should be used for providing the skins to the webhook for each user.
# %uuid is replaced with the user's uuid.
# %name is replaced with the user's name.
# Bot #
# Bots can be used for both relaying and receiving messages.
# They can also be used to provide other information about the server in unique ways.
# Whether or not the usage of a bot is enabled.
# This value will not change until this server is restarted.
enabled: true
# Whether or not the bot should re-send edited Discord messages with an asterisk at the end.
show_edits: true
# Whether or not discord users should be able to send messages using color codes
allow_colors: true
# The token of the bot that should be used.
# A list of channel ids that should receive messages from the Minecraft server.
# Leave blank to disable receiving messages from the Minecraft server.
# Useful if you want to use webhooks in combination with a bot.
- 000000000000000000
# A list of channel ids to watch for when messages are sent to send them to the Minecraft server.
# Leave blank to disable sending messages to the Minecraft server.
- 000000000000000000
# Options related to the Discord server that become available when using a bot
# The prefix to use for Discord commands
# Defaults to "tdl!" if null or blank
prefix: "tdl!"
# The different games / activities that the Discord bot can show
- "Minecraft"
- ""
# The rate at which these statuses will cycle in seconds (minimum 15 seconds)
# Changes take effect after restart
activity_cycle_speed: 300
# The commands to include on the Discord server that users can run.
# Leave blank to disable all commands.
# Supports Placeholder API
ip: "Join us at ``"
website: "Visit our website at"
list: "Online Players: %playerlist_online,normal,yes,list%"
online: "There are currently %server_online% out of %server_max_players% players online."
# Whether or not to auto-update the channel topic for specific channels
# Leave blank to disable
- 000000000000000000
# The rate at which the channel topics should be updated in seconds (minimum 5 minutes) (this is due to a Discord rate limit)
# Set to -1 to disable updating (aka set once when the bot launches)
# Changes take effect after restart
auto_channel_topic_update_rate: 300
# The message to put for auto-channel-topic.
# Supports Placeholder API
auto_channel_topic_message: ""
# A list of options that allow you to link accounts between a Discord server and Minecraft
# Whether or not the linking of user accounts is enabled
enabled: true
# The id of the server to search through the players list for
server: "000000000000000000"
# A list of roles to give users after they have linked their account
# In the format: 'discord_server_id:role_id'. See
- "000000000000000000:000000000000000000"
# A list of options that allow you to notify in a Discord Channel if an account has been unlinked/unlinked
# A list of options related to notifications when an account has been linked
# Whether the notification is enabled or not
enabled: false
# The id of the channel that will be used to notify of account linking
channel: "000000000000000000"
# A list of options related to notifications when an account has been unlinked
# Whether the notification is enabled or not
enabled: false
# The id of the channel that will be used to notify of account unlinking
channel: "000000000000000000"
# System Messages #
# Messages that will send to the Discord server when the following events occur.
# The messages themselves are configurable in the lang file.
# Set to false to disable them from sending.
# Sends a message on server startup
server_start: true
# Sends a message on server shutdown
server_shutdown: true
# Sends a message when a player joins
player_join: true
# Sends a message when a player leaves
player_quit: true
# Sends a message when a player dies
player_death: true
# Sends a message when a player receives an advancement
player_advance: true
# Relays tellraw messages to the Discord server
# Only works when targeted at @a (not @e)
# Works with command blocks and console
relay_tellraw_messages: true
# Tagging #
# Whether or not to allow Minecraft users to tag Discord users
enable_user_tagging: true
# Enables detection of attempted user mentions to convert them to proper Discord mentions. (Ex: @Fire -> <@112732946774962176>)
# Minimum of four characters.
# If enable_user_tagging is enabled, you probably want this enabled to.
# This only works if bot.enabled is set to true.
enable_user_tagging_shortcut: true
# If the shortcut is enabled, whether or not to also attempt to find mentions by looking through the linked accounts database.
# For example, if a Minecraft username "ABCD" has linked their account, but their Discord username is "EEEE," typing "@ABCD" will tag "@EEEE."
enable_shortcut_use_database: true
# Whether or not to allow Minecraft users to tag Discord channels
enable_channel_tagging: true
# Whether or not to allow Minecraft users to tag Discord roles
enable_role_tagging: false
# Whether or not to allow Minecraft users to tag Discord's @everyone and @here
enable_everyone_tagging: false
# Whether or not to make a noise & show chat color when a Minecraft user's username is said in Discord.
mention_minecraft_users: true
# Don't change this unless you know exactly what it should be.
mention_minecraft_noise: "ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP"
# A list of guild ids to use the member lists from to check for mentions.
- 000000000000000000
# Database #
# Used to keep track of player linking.
# Possible options: SQLite, MySQL, MariaDB
type: "SQLite"
# The host of the database. 'localhost' and '' both point to the local machine
host: ""
# The database to use. Make sure it is created before attempting to connect.
# Points to a file path from the plugin directory for SQLite. Do not include .db
database: "truediscordlink"
# The username to use to login to the database. Leave blank for SQLite
username: ""
# The password to use to login to the database. Leave blank for SQLite
password: ""
# The prefix to prepend to all created tables
table_prefix: "tdl_"
Since TrueDiscordLink uses NMS, you need to have all supported versions of NMS available.
- Install JDK 21, JDK 17, and JDK 8.
- Download BuildTools from Spigot
- If you're on Windows, I've written a batch script which will run through and build all of the required versions.
@ECHO OFF SET JAVA8_PATH="C:\Program Files\Eclipse Adoptium\jdk-8.0.372.7-hotspot\bin\java.exe" SET JAVA17_PATH="C:\Program Files\Eclipse Adoptium\jdk-\bin\java.exe" SET JAVA21_PATH="C:\Program Files\Eclipse Adoptium\jdk-\bin\java.exe" %JAVA21_PATH% -jar BuildTools.jar --rev 1.21 --remapped %JAVA21_PATH% -jar BuildTools.jar --rev 1.20.6 --remapped %JAVA21_PATH% -jar BuildTools.jar --rev 1.20.2 --remapped %JAVA17_PATH% -jar BuildTools.jar --rev 1.20.1 --remapped %JAVA17_PATH% -jar BuildTools.jar --rev 1.19 --remapped %JAVA17_PATH% -jar BuildTools.jar --rev 1.18.2 --remapped %JAVA17_PATH% -jar BuildTools.jar --rev 1.18.1 --remapped %JAVA17_PATH% -jar BuildTools.jar --rev 1.17.1 --remapped %JAVA8_PATH% -jar BuildTools.jar --rev 1.16.5 --remapped %JAVA8_PATH% -jar BuildTools.jar --rev 1.16.3 --remapped %JAVA8_PATH% -jar BuildTools.jar --rev 1.16.1 --remapped %JAVA8_PATH% -jar BuildTools.jar --rev 1.15.2 --remapped %JAVA8_PATH% -jar BuildTools.jar --rev 1.14.4 --remapped %JAVA8_PATH% -jar BuildTools.jar --rev 1.13.2 --remapped %JAVA8_PATH% -jar BuildTools.jar --rev 1.13 --remapped %JAVA8_PATH% -jar BuildTools.jar --rev 1.13 --remapped %JAVA8_PATH% -jar BuildTools.jar --rev 1.12.2 --remapped PAUSE
- If you're on a different machine, you'll need to manually run the BuildTools utility with the
argument for all of the following versions:(Java 8) 1.8 1.8.3 1.8.8 1.9.2 1.9.4 1.10.2 1.11.2 1.12.2 1.13 1.13.2 1.14.4 1.15.2 1.16.1 1.16.3 1.16.5 (Java 17) 1.17.1 1.18.1 1.18.2 1.19 1.20.1 (Java 21) 1.20.2 1.20.6 1.21
- If you're on Windows, I've written a batch script which will run through and build all of the required versions.
- Finally, set the
environment variable in your IDE to a path to a test server (not the plugins folder, but the server's container folder).