Codes in Stata to extract the raw data provided by the INMET - Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia and generate a database in .dta format collapsed at the year and municipality level.
The data cover monthly information from 1960 to 2018. The raw data is stored in the the folder input.
The raw data is text files (.txt) that have been downloaded from INMET and are stored in the folder input. Specifically:
- It is a compilation of the download of monthly data from all INMET weather stations.
brazilian_municipalities.dta codes of Brazilian municipalities.
The codes are stored in the folder code.
- Main code. Extract the raw data and generate a .dta database collapsed at the year and municipality level.
- Sub code. Clean the raw data
- Sub code. Generate weather variables
- You must generate a folder (give a name) with additional 4 folders contained within: input, output, code, tmp.
- Save raw data in input
- Save Stata codes in code
- Edit your path folder between lines 16 - 22 in the code
- Run the code
- It generates a database inmet.dta in the folder output