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This tutorial aims to teach frontend developers how to build a Saas-based web application within helyOS framework.

1. Introduction

helyOS is a framework to accelerate the development of yard autonomous projects. The helyOS framework contains three software components: helyOS core, helyOS Agent SDK, helyOS JavaScript SDK.


To display main features of helyOS, this repository build a minimalistic web application (hello helyOS) within helyOS framework. The structure of this repository are listed:

  • ./hello_helyos: The source code of hello helyOS frontend
  • ./backend: The docker image of helyOS core
  • ./helyos_agent_slim_simulator: The docker image of helyOS agent simulator
  • ./docs: The tutorial of hello helyOS

The tutorial documentation can be visited at Front App for helyOS.

2. Development

Hello helyOS uses the following technologies or knowledge:

  • Software as a service (SaaS)
  • Web development (html, CSS, JavaScript)
  • TypeScript
  • Vue.js
  • Web map API (leaflet map)
  • Docker

3. Installation

To install this hello helyOS app, make sure you have docker installed, and then run the following commands.

Starting the application

To start hello helyOS app, run the following commands:

docker network create control-tower-net
docker-compose  -f ./hello_helyos/docker-compose.yml up -d   

Once it is running, you can access to hello helyOS web app via http://localhost:5174/. Login in with the admin account {"username": "admin", "password": "admin"}, or other accounts registered at helyOS Dashboard.

Setting the Backend

If you can't login in, check if you have helyOS core running. If not, run the following commands to set helyOS core as backend:

docker-compose  -f ./backend/docker-compose.yml up -d 

Agent Simulator

If you want to try a slim agent simulator, run the following commands:

docker-compose  -f ./helyos_agent_slim_simulator/docker-compose.yml up -d  

Terminating application and keeping database

  • To terminate the hello helyOS web app

    docker-compose -f ./hello_helyos/docker-compose.yml down

  • To terminate the slim agent simulator

    docker-compose -f ./helyos_agent_slim_simulator/docker-compose.yml down

  • To terminate the backend (helyOS core)

    docker-compose -f ./backend/docker-compose.yml down

backend is the last one to be shut down.

Terminating the whole application and reseting database

docker-compose  -f ./hello_helyos/docker-compose.yml down
docker-compose  -f ./helyos_agent_slim_simulator/docker-compose.yml down
docker-compose  -f ./backend/docker-compose.yml down -v
docker network rm control-tower-net

4. Demo

If you build the whole app correctly, you can access to hello helyOS web app via http://localhost:5174/.

helyOS_login Login in with the {"username": "admin", "password": "admin"}, or other accounts registered at helyOS Dashboard.


Features included in hello helyOS:

  • Switch yards
  • Upload, push, delete geojson file displayed as shapes (geojson examples stored at ./hello_helyos/src/assets/mock/)
  • Change icon of agents (icons stored at ./hello_helyos/src/assets/icon/)
  • Track tool status, position
  • Select, dispatch a mission
  • SDK hints

5. Useful Links




This project is licensed under the MIT License


A minimalistic web app for yard automation based on helyOS.







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