This tutorial aims to teach frontend developers how to build a Saas-based web application within helyOS framework.
helyOS is a framework to accelerate the development of yard autonomous projects. The helyOS framework contains three software components: helyOS core, helyOS Agent SDK, helyOS JavaScript SDK.
To display main features of helyOS, this repository build a minimalistic web application (hello helyOS) within helyOS framework. The structure of this repository are listed:
- ./hello_helyos: The source code of hello helyOS frontend
- ./backend: The docker image of helyOS core
- ./helyos_agent_slim_simulator: The docker image of helyOS agent simulator
- ./docs: The tutorial of hello helyOS
The tutorial documentation can be visited at Front App for helyOS.
Hello helyOS uses the following technologies or knowledge:
- Software as a service (SaaS)
- Web development (html, CSS, JavaScript)
- TypeScript
- Vue.js
- Web map API (leaflet map)
- Docker
To install this hello helyOS app, make sure you have docker installed, and then run the following commands.
To start hello helyOS app, run the following commands:
docker network create control-tower-net
docker-compose -f ./hello_helyos/docker-compose.yml up -d
Once it is running, you can access to hello helyOS web app via http://localhost:5174/. Login in with the admin account {"username": "admin", "password": "admin"}, or other accounts registered at helyOS Dashboard.
If you can't login in, check if you have helyOS core running. If not, run the following commands to set helyOS core as backend:
docker-compose -f ./backend/docker-compose.yml up -d
If you want to try a slim agent simulator, run the following commands:
docker-compose -f ./helyos_agent_slim_simulator/docker-compose.yml up -d
To terminate the hello helyOS web app
docker-compose -f ./hello_helyos/docker-compose.yml down
To terminate the slim agent simulator
docker-compose -f ./helyos_agent_slim_simulator/docker-compose.yml down
To terminate the backend (helyOS core)
docker-compose -f ./backend/docker-compose.yml down
backend is the last one to be shut down.
docker-compose -f ./hello_helyos/docker-compose.yml down
docker-compose -f ./helyos_agent_slim_simulator/docker-compose.yml down
docker-compose -f ./backend/docker-compose.yml down -v
docker network rm control-tower-net
If you build the whole app correctly, you can access to hello helyOS web app via http://localhost:5174/.
Login in with the {"username": "admin", "password": "admin"}, or other accounts registered at helyOS Dashboard.
Features included in hello helyOS:
- Switch yards
- Upload, push, delete geojson file displayed as shapes (geojson examples stored at ./hello_helyos/src/assets/mock/)
- Change icon of agents (icons stored at ./hello_helyos/src/assets/icon/)
- Track tool status, position
- Select, dispatch a mission
- SDK hints
This project is licensed under the MIT License