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Name: Assembly3 GoToRelation
Icon: Assembly_GotoRelation.svg
MenuLocation: Assembly3 , Go to relation
Workbenches: Assembly3_Workbench
Shortcut: **A** **R**
The Assembly3 GoToRelation command can help to find relations in the assembly tree. It reveals the Relations group on first use.
The Relations group is the fourth group in the assembly tree and is hidden by default. It contains one relation object for each part object of the assembly and each relation contains a list of constraints that belong to the part it represents.
The result (highlighted objects) depends on the selected object.
: Select a part to find the relation object and its constraints. : Select an element to find the part to which it belongs. : Select a constraint to find the linked parts.
- Select a part, an element or a constraint.
- Press the Go to relation button or use the keyboard shortcut: A then R.
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