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Service Guide and API Reference

water423 edited this page Aug 9, 2022 · 17 revisions

all Services


Summary: This service provides CRUD APIs to manage basic information for administrator, include contacts information, station information, train information, config information and price information.

Main APIs:

URI Http Method Description
/adminbasic/contacts GET Get all contacts information
/adminbasic/contacts/{contactsId} DELETE Delete contacts by Id
/adminbasic/contacts PUT Modify contacts information
/adminbasic/contacts POST Add contacts
/adminbasic/stations GET Get all stations information
/adminbasic/stations/{id} DELETE Delete stations by Id
/adminbasic/stations PUT Modify stations information
/adminbasic/stations POST Add stations
/adminbasic/trains GET Get all trains information
/adminbasic/trains/{id} DELETE Delete trains by Id
/adminbasic/trains PUT Modify trains information
/adminbasic/trains POST Add trains
/adminbasic/configs GET Get all configs information
/adminbasic/configs/{name} DELETE Delete configs by Name
/adminbasic/configs PUT Modify configs information
/adminbasic/configs POST Add configs
/adminbasic/prices GET Get prices information
/adminbasic/prices/{pricesId} DELETE Delete prices by Id
/adminbasic/prices PUT Modify prices information
/adminbasic/prices POST Add stations

Main Invocations:

Service URI Method Description
ts-contacts-service /api/v1/contactservice/contacts GET Get Contacts information
ts-contacts-service /api/v1/contactservice/contacts/ + contactsId DELETE Delete One Contact
ts-contacts-service /api/v1/contactservice/contacts PUT Modify Contacts information
ts-contacts-service /api/v1/contactservice/contacts/admin POST add contacts
ts-station-service /api/v1/stationservice/stations GET get stations information
ts-station-service /api/v1/stationservice/stations POST add station
ts-station-service /api/v1/stationservice/stations/ + id DELETE Delete One Station
ts-station-service /api/v1/stationservice/stations PUT Modify Stations information
ts-train-service /api/v1/trainservice/trains GET get all trains information
ts-train-service /api/v1/trainservice/trains POST add train
ts-train-service /api/v1/trainservice/trains/ + id DELETE Delete one train
ts-train-service /api/v1/trainservice/trains PUT Modify Trains information
ts-config-service /api/v1/configservice/configs GET get config information
ts-config-service /api/v1/configservice/configs POST add config
ts-config-service /api/v1/configservice/configs / + id DELETE Delete one config
ts-config-service /api/v1/configservice/configs PUT Modify Configs information
ts-price-service /api/v1/priceservice/prices GET get price information
ts-price-service /api/v1/priceservice/prices POST add price
ts-price-service /api/v1/priceservice/prices/ + pricesId DELETE Delete one price
ts-price-service /api/v1/priceservice/prices PUT Modify Prices information


Summary: This service provide CRUD APIs about order management for administrator.

Main APIs:

URI Http Method Description
/adminorder GET Get all orders
/adminorder POST Add one order
/adminorder PUT Modify and Update Order
/adminorder/{orderId}/{trainNumber} DELETE delete one order

Main Invocations: ts-order-service: orders about train which trainNumber start with "G" or "D" ts-order-other-service: orders about train which trainNumber NOT start with "G" or "D"

Service URI Method Description
ts-order-service /api/v1/orderservice/order GET Get G or D order information
ts-order-other-service /api/v1/orderOtherService/orderOther GET Get other order information
ts-order-service /api/v1/orderservice/order/+orderId DELETE delete order's information.
ts-order-other-service /api/v1/orderOtherService/orderOther/"+orderId DELETE delete other order's information.
ts-order-service /api/v1/orderservice/order/admin PUT modify order information
ts-order-other-service /api/v1/orderOtherService/orderOther/admin PUT modify other order information
ts-order-service /api/v1/orderservice/order/admin POST add order
ts-order-other-service /api/v1/orderOtherService/orderOther/admin POST add other order


Summary: This service provide APIs to manage route. The route entity include distances, stations, start station and end station.

Main APIs:

URI Http Method Description
/api/v1/adminrouteservice/adminroute GET get all routes' information
/api/v1/adminrouteservice/adminroute POST add one route
/api/v1/adminrouteservice/adminroute/{routeId} DELETE delete one route

Main Invocations:

Service URI Method Description
ts-route-service /api/v1/routeservice/routes GET get all routes' information
ts-route-service /api/v1/routeservice/routes POST create or modify route
ts-route-service /api/v1/routeservice/routes/+routeId DELETE delete one route
ts-station-service /api/v1/stationservice/stations/idlist POST check if stations exist


Summary: This service provide APIs to manage teavel. The travel entity include the type of train, the trip and the start and end time.

Main APIs:

URI Http Method Description
/api/v1/admintravelservice/admintravel GET get all travel information
/api/v1/admintravelservice/admintravel POST add one travel entity
/api/v1/admintravelservice/admintravel PUT update one travel's information
/api/v1/admintravelservice/admintravel/{tripId} DELETE delete a travel entity

Main Invocations:

Service URI Method Description
ts-travel-service /api/v1/travelservice/admin_trip GET get trip information from ts-travel-service
ts-travel2-service /api/v1/travel2service/admin_trip GET get trip information from ts-travel2-service
ts-travel-service /api/v1/travelservice/trips POST add G or D trip entity
ts-travel2-service /api/v1/travel2service/trips POST Add other trip entity
ts-travel-service /api/v1/travelservice/trips PUT modify G or D trip information
ts-travel2-service /api/v1/travel2service/trips PUT modify other trip information
ts-travel-service /api/v1/travelservice/trips + tripId DELETE delete G or D trip entity
ts-travel2-service /api/v1/travel2service/trips + tripId DELETE delete other trip entity
ts-station-service /api/v1/stationservice/stations/idlist POST check if stations exist
ts-train-service /api/v1/trainservice/trains/byName/ + trainTypeName GET get train type by train type name
ts-route-service /api/v1/routeservice/routes/ + routeId GET get route by id


Summary: This service provide APIs to manage users, include get user information, add user, modify user information and delete a user.

Main APIs:

URI Http Method Description
/api/v1/adminuserservice/users GET get all user information
/api/v1/adminuserservice/users PUT update user information
/api/v1/adminuserservice/users POST add one user entity
/api/v1/adminuserservice/users/{userId} DELETE delete one user entity

Main Invocations:

Service URI Method Description
ts-user-service /api/v1/userservice/users GET get all user information
ts-user-service /api/v1/userservice/users PUT update user information
ts-user-service /api/v1/userservice/users POST add one user entity
ts-user-service /api/v1/userservice/users DELETE delete one user entity


Summary: This service provide APIs to manage and buy assurance, include many get APIs to get assurance information by different parameter, delete APIs to cancel assurance order and PATCH API to modify assurance order.

Main APIs:

URI Http Method Description
/api/v1/assuranceservice/assurances GET get all assurance information.
/api/v1/assuranceservice/types GET get assurance types
/api/v1/assuranceservice/assurances/assuranceid/{assuranceId} GET get one assurance information by it's id
/api/v1/assuranceservice/assurances/orderid/{orderId} GET get assurance information by orderId
/api/v1/assuranceservice/assurances/{assuranceId}/{orderId}/{typeIndex} PATCH modify assurance information.
/api/v1/assuranceservice/assurances/{typeIndex}/{orderId} GET create assurance entity
/api/v1/assuranceservice/assurances/assuranceid/{assuranceId} GET find assurance by id
/api/v1/assuranceservice/assurance/orderid/{orderId} GET find assurance by orderid

Main Invocations: The service CRUD informations via database, no other Invocations.


Summary: This service provide APIs to manage user informations and auth operation.

Main APIs:

URI Http Method Description
/api/v1/auth POST create user
/api/v1/users/login POST login check and dispatch token to user
/api/v1/users GET get all user information
/api/v1/users/{userId} DELETE delete one user entity

Main Invocations:

Service URI Method Description
ts-verification-code-service /api/v1/verifycode/verify/ + verifyCode GET get verifycode picture


Summary: This service provide APIs to query some basic information: basic travel information and basic station information.

Main APIs:

URI Http Method Description
/api/v1/basicservice/basic/travel POST query basic travel information
/api/v1/basicservice/basic/{stationName} GET query stationId by stationName

Main Invocations:

Service URI Method Description
ts-station-service /api/v1/stationservice/stations/id/ + stationName GET query for stationId
ts-station-service /api/v1/stationservice/stations/id/ + stationName GET check if this station exists
ts-train-service /api/v1/trainservice/trains/ + trainTypeId GET query train type by trainTypeId
ts-route-service /api/v1/routeservice/routes/ + routeId GET get route information by routeId
ts-price-service /api/v1/priceservice/prices/ + routeId + / + trainType GET query price by routeId and trainType



This service provide APIs to calculate refund and cancel ticket.

Main APIs:

URI Http Method Description
/api/v1/cancelservice/cancel/refound/{orderId} GET calculate refund amount.
/api/v1/cancelservice/cancel/{orderId}/{loginId} GET cancel ticket

Main Invocations:

Service URI Method Description
ts-notification-service /api/v1/notifyservice/notification/order_cancel_success POST send email if cancel success
ts-order-service /api/v1/orderservice/order PUT cancel order
ts-order-other-service /api/v1/orderOtherService/orderOther PUT cancel other order
ts-inside-payment-service /api/v1/inside_pay_service/inside_payment/drawback/ + userId + / + money GET drawback money
ts-user-service /api/v1/userservice/users/id/+orderId GET get user account
ts-order-service /api/v1/orderservice/order/+orderId GET get order information by orderId
ts-order-other-service /api/v1/orderOtherService/orderOther/ + orderId GET get other order information by orderId


Summary: It provides normal utils functions and exceptions, don't provide APIs.



This service provide APIs to manage configs, include query, create, update and delete.

Main APIs:

URI Http Method Description
api/v1/configservice/configs GET query config informations
api/v1/configservice/configs POST create config entity
api/v1/configservice/configs PUT update config informations
api/v1/configservice/configs/{configName} DELETE delete config entity
api/v1/configservice/configs/{configName} GET query config entity by configName

Main Invocations:

This service CRUD informations via database, no other Invocations.


Summary: This service provide APIs to calculate consign price and manage consign config.

Main APIs:

URI Http Method Description
/api/v1/consignpriceservice/consignprice/{weight}/{isWithinRegion} GET get confignprice by weight and region
/api/v1/consignpriceservice/consignprice/price GET query price information
/api/v1/consignpriceservice/consignprice/config GET query consign price config
/api/v1/consignpriceservice/consignprice POST modify consignprice

Main Invocations:

This service CRUD informations via database, no other Invocations.


Summary: This service provide APIs to create, update and query consign order.

Main APIs:

URI Http Method Description
/api/v1/consignservice/consigns POST create consign
/api/v1/consignservice/consigns PUT update consign
/api/v1/consignservice/consigns/account/{id} GET query consign by accountId
/api/v1/consignservice/consigns/order/{id} GET query consign by OrderId
/api/v1/consignservice/consigns/{consignee} GET query consign by consignee

Main Invocations:

Service URI Method Description
ts-consign-price-service /api/v1/consignpriceservice/consignprice/ + weight + area GET calculate consign price


Summary: This service provide APIs to get all contacts, create contacts, create contacts in admin, delete contact, modify contact's information, query contacts by accountId adn query contacts by contactId.

Main APIs:

URI Http Method Description
api/v1/contactservice/contacts GET get all contacts
api/v1/contactservice/contacts POST create contact
api/v1/contactservice/contacts/admin POST create contacts in admin
api/v1/contactservice/contacts/{contactsId} DELETE delete contacts by contactsId
api/v1/contactservice/contacts PUT modify contacts
api/v1/contactservice/contacts/account/{accountId} GET query contacts by account Id
api/v1/contactservice/contacts/{id} GET query contacts by contactId

Main Invocations:

This service CRUD informations via database, no other Invocations.


Summary: This service provide ticket collection and execute related API.

Main APIs:

URI Http Method Description
/api/v1/executeservice/execute/execute/{orderId} GET ticket execute API
/api/v1/executeservice/execute/collected/{orderId} GET ticket collected API

Main Invocations:

Service URI Method Description
ts-order-service /api/v1/orderservice/order/status/ + orderId + / + status GET execute order (G and D order)
ts-order-other-service /api/v1/orderOtherService/orderOther/status/ + orderId + / + status GET execute other order
ts-order-service /api/v1/orderservice/order/ + orderId GET get order by id
ts-order-other-service /api/v1/orderOtherService/orderOther/ + orderId GET get other order by id


Summary: This service provide foodstoreMap and trainfoodMap APIs.

Main APIs:

URI Http Method Description
/api/v1/foodmapservice/foodstores GET get all food store map in all stations
/api/v1/foodmapservice/foodstores/{stationId} GET get food store map in one station
/api/v1/foodmapservice/foodstores POST get food stores by station list
/api/v1/foodmapservice/trainfoods GET get food on train
/api/v1/foodmapservice/trainfoods/{tripId} GET get trainfood in a trip

Main Invocations: This service CRUD informations via database, no other Invocations.


Summary: This service provide APIs to CRUD foodOrders, get all food order and get all foods in an interval.

Main APIs:

URI Http Method Description
/api/v1/foodservice/orders GET get all foodorder
/api/v1/foodservice/orders POST create a foodorder
/api/v1/foodservice/createOrderBatch POST create food orders in batch
/api/v1/foodservice/orders PUT update a food order
/api/v1/foodservice/orders/{orderId} DELETE delete a order
/api/v1/foodservice/orders/{orderId} GET find order by foodid
/api/v1/foodservice/foods/{date}/{startStation}/{endStation}/{tripId} GET get all foods

Main Invocations:

Service URI Method Description
ts-train-food-service /api/v1/trainfoodservice/trainfoods/ + tripId GET get train food list
ts-travel-service /api/v1/travelservice/routes/ + tripId GET get the station through which the train passes
ts-station-food-service /api/v1/stationfoodservice/stationfoodstores POST get station food stores by stationNames


Summary: This service provide APIs to do inside payment, query money, top up money into account, query money info, create account.

Main APIs:

URI Http Method Description
/api/v1/inside_pay_service/inside_payment POST pay for the order
/api/v1/inside_pay_service/inside_payment/account POST create account
/api/v1/inside_pay_service/inside_payment/{userId}/{money} GET top-up money
/api/v1/inside_pay_service/inside_payment/payment GET query payment
/api/v1/inside_pay_service/inside_payment/account GET query account
/api/v1/inside_pay_service/inside_payment/drawback/{userId}/{money} GET drawback money to user
/api/v1/inside_pay_service/inside_payment/difference POST pay difference
api/v1/inside_pay_service/inside_payment/money GET query money

Main Invocations:

Service URI Method Description
ts-order-service /api/v1/orderservice/order/ + orderId GET get order info by id
ts-order-other-service /api/v1/orderOtherService/orderOther/status/ + orderId + / + orderStatus GET get other order info by id
ts-payment-service /api/v1/paymentservice/payment POST call third-party payment


Summary: This service only have test content.


Summary: This service provide API to send email when preserve success, order create success, update order success and cancel notification success.

Main APIs:

URI Http Method Description
/api/v1/notifyservice/notification/preserve_success POST preserve success, send email notification
/api/v1/notifyservice/notification/order_create_success POST create order success, send email notification
/api/v1/notifyservice/notification/order_changed_success POST update order success, send email notification
/api/v1/notifyservice/notification/order_cancel_success POST cancel notification success, send email notification

Main Invocations:

No Invocations of other service.


Summary: This service provide API to manage other order(means order which train's ID is not start with G or D)

(There's some RESTful problems in this service for now.)

Main APIs:

URI Http Method Description
/api/v1/orderOtherService/orderOther/tickets POST get ticket list by date and trip id
/api/v1/orderOtherService/orderOther POST create order
/api/v1/orderOtherService/orderOther/admin POST admin create new order
/api/v1/orderOtherService/orderOther/query POST query orders
/api/v1/orderOtherService/orderOther/refresh POST query order for refresh
/api/v1/orderOtherService/orderOther/{travelDate}/{trainNumber} GET query sold tickets
/api/v1/orderOtherService/orderOther/price/{orderId} GET get order price by orderId
/api/v1/orderOtherService/orderOther/orderPay/{orderId} GET pay a order
/api/v1/orderOtherService/orderOther/{orderId} GET get order by id
/api/v1/orderOtherService/orderOther/status/{orderId}/{status} GET Modify order
/api/v1/orderOtherService/orderOther/security/{checkDate}/{accountId} GET check order's security
/api/v1/orderOtherService/orderOther PUT modify orderothers
/api/v1/orderOtherService/orderOther/admin PUT update order
/api/v1/orderOtherService/orderOther/{orderId} DELETE delete order
/api/v1/orderOtherService/orderOther GET find all order

Main Invocations:

Service URI Method Description
ts-station-service /api/v1/stationservice/stations/namelist POST query station name list


Summary: This service provide API to manage order(means order which train's ID IS start with G

(There's some RESTful problems in this service for now.)

Main APIs:

URI Http Method Description
/api/v1/orderservice/order/tickets POST get ticket list by date and trip id
/api/v1/orderservice/order/ POST create order
/api/v1/orderservice/order/admin POST admin create new order
/api/v1/orderservice/order/query POST query orders
/api/v1/orderservice/order/refresh POST query order for refresh
/api/v1/orderservice/order/{travelDate}/{trainNumber} GET query sold tickets
/api/v1/orderservice/order/price/{orderId} GET get order price by orderId
/api/v1/orderservice/order/orderPay/{orderId} GET pay a order
/api/v1/orderservice/order/{orderId} GET get order by id
/api/v1/orderservice/order/status/{orderId}/{status} GET Modify order
/api/v1/orderservice/order/security/{checkDate}/{accountId} GET check order's security
/api/v1/orderservice/order PUT modify orders
/api/v1/orderservice/order/admin PUT update order
/api/v1/orderservice/order/{orderId} DELETE delete order
/api/v1/orderservice/order GET find all order

Main Invocations:

Service URI Method Description
ts-station-service /api/v1/stationservice/stations/namelist POST query station name list


Summary: This service provide API to create payment, top up money and query payment

Main APIs:

URI Http Method Description
/api/v1/paymentservice/payment POST create a payment
/api/v1/paymentservice/payment/money POST top up money
/api/v1/paymentservice/payment GET query payment

Main Invocations:

This service CRUD informations via database, no other Invocations.


Summary: This service provide API to preserve other train's ticket.

Main APIs:

URI Http Method Description
/api/v1/preserveotherservice/preserveOther POST preserve ticket

Main Invocations:

Service URI Method Description
ts-ticketinfo-service /api/v1/ticketinfoservice/ticketinfo POST query ticket info
ts-seat-service /api/v1/seatservice/seats POST dispatch seat for this order
ts-user-service /api/v1/userservice/users/id/ + accountId GET get account info
ts-assurance-service /api/v1/assuranceservice/assurances/ + assuranceType + / + orderId GET get assurance result
ts-station-service /api/v1/stationservice/stations/id/ + stationName GET query station id
ts-security-service /api/v1/securityservice/securityConfigs/ + accountId GET check security config
ts-travel2-service /api/v1/travel2service/trip_detail POST get trip detail result
ts-contacts-service /api/v1/contactservice/contacts/+contactsId GET get contacts by Id
ts-order-other-service /api/v1/orderOtherService/orderOther POST create order
ts-food-service /api/v1/foodservice/orders POST order food
ts-consign-service /api/v1/consignservice/consigns POST create consign entity


Summary: This service provide API to preserve train's ticket.

Main APIs:

URI Http Method Description
/api/v1/preserveservice/preserve POST preserve ticket

Main Invocations:

Service URI Method Description
ts-ticketinfo-service /api/v1/ticketinfoservice/ticketinfo POST query ticket info
ts-seat-service /api/v1/seatservice/seats POST dispatch seat for this order
ts-user-service /api/v1/userservice/users/id/ + accountId GET get account info
ts-assurance-service /api/v1/assuranceservice/assurances/ + assuranceType + / + orderId GET get assurance result
ts-station-service /api/v1/stationservice/stations/id/ + stationName GET query station id
ts-security-service /api/v1/securityservice/securityConfigs/ + accountId GET check security config
ts-travel-service /api/v1/travelservice/trip_detail POST get trip detail result
ts-contacts-service /api/v1/contactservice/contacts/+contactsId GET get contacts by Id
ts-order-service /api/v1/orderService/order POST create order
ts-food-service /api/v1/foodservice/orders POST order food
ts-consign-service /api/v1/consignservice/consigns POST create consign entity


Summary: This service provide API to calculate tickets' price and manage price configs.

Main APIs:

URI Http Method Description
/api/v1/priceservice/prices/{routeId}/{trainType} GET get price by routeid and train type.
/api/v1/priceservice/prices GET get all price config
/api/v1/priceservice/prices POST create price config
/api/v1/priceservice/prices DELETE delete price config
/api/v1/priceservice/prices PUT update price config

Main Invocations:

This service CRUD informations via database, no other Invocations.


Summary: Train ticket rescheduling API and differential payment API are provided in this service.

Main APIs:

URI Http Method Description
/api/v1/rebookservice/rebook POST endorse train ticket
/api/v1/rebookservice/rebook/difference POST pay for the price difference

Main Invocations:

Service URI Method Description
ts-ticketinfo-service /api/v1/ticketinfoservice/ticketinfo POST query ticket info
ts-seat-service /api/v1/seatservice/seats POST dispatch seat for this order
ts-train-service /api/v1/trainservice/trains/byName/ + trainTypeName GET get train type, as param for dispatch seat
ts-route-service /api/v1/routeservice/routes/ + routeId GET query stations, as param for dispatch seat
ts-security-service /api/v1/securityservice/securityConfigs/ + accountId GET check security config
ts-travel-service /api/v1/travelservice/trip_detail POST get trip detail result
ts-travel2-service /api/v1/travel2service/trip_detail POST get trip detail result
ts-order-service /api/v1/orderService/order POST create order
ts-order-other-service /api/v1/orderOtherService/orderOther POST create order
ts-inside-payment-service /api/v1/inside_pay_service/inside_payment/difference POST internal payment


Summary: This service provide APIs to get cheapest Route, quickest Route and min Stop Stations Route.

Main APIs:

URI Http Method Description
/api/v1/routeplanservice/routePlan/cheapestRoute POST get routes in cheapest order
/api/v1/routeplanservice/routePlan/quickestRoute POST get routes in quickest order
/api/v1/routeplanservice/routePlan/minStopStations POST get routes in minStops Order

Main Invocations:

Service URI Method Description
ts-travel-service /api/v1/travelservice/trip_detail POST get trip detail
ts-station-service /api/v1/stationservice/stations/id/+stationName GET get stationId by name
ts-route-service /api/v1/routeservice/routes/ + routeId GET get route info by routeId
ts-travel-service /api/v1/travelservice/trips/left POST get trip information
ts-travel2-service /api/v1/travel2service/trips/left POST get trip information
ts-travel-service /api/v1/travelservice/routes/ + tripId GET get station list
ts-travel-service /api/v1/travelservice/trips/routes GET get trips by routeId
ts-travel2-service /api/v1/travel2service/trips/routes GET get trips by routeId


Summary: This service provide APIs to CRUD route informations.

Main APIs:

URI Http Method Description
/api/v1/routeservice/routes POST create and modify route info
/api/v1/routeservice/routes/{routeId} DELETE delete route info
/api/v1/routeservice/routes/{routeId} GET GET route info
/api/v1/routeservice/routes GET GET all routes' info
/api/v1/routeservice/routes/{startId}/{terminalId} GET get route by start and terminate station

Main Invocations:

This service CRUD informations via database, no other Invocations.


Summary: This service provide APIs to allocate seats for users and query left tickets in an interval.

Main APIs:

URI Http Method Description
/api/v1/seatservice/seats POST allocate seats for users
/api/v1/seatservice/seats/left_tickets POST get left tickets in an interval

Main Invocations:

Service URI Method Description
ts-travel-service /api/v1/travelservice/routes/+trainNumber GET get all the stops for the train
ts-order-service /api/v1/orderservice/order/tickets POST get left tickets
ts-order-other-service /api/v1/orderOtherService/orderOther/tickets POST get left tickets
ts-travel-service /api/v1/travelservice/train_types/ + trainNumber GET get train's type
ts-config-service /api/v1/configservice/configs/+configName GET get config file


Summary: This service provide APIs to manage security config files, includes add, delete, query, modify config file and check account id.

Main APIs:

URI Http Method Description
/api/v1/securityservice/securityConfigs GET get all security config
/api/v1/securityservice/securityConfigs POST create new security config
/api/v1/securityservice/securityConfigs PUT modify security config
/api/v1/securityservice/securityConfigs/{id} DELETE delete one config
/api/v1/securityservice/securityConfigs/{accountId} GET check account id

Main Invocations:

Service URI Method Description
ts-order-service /api/v1/orderservice/order/security/ + checkDate + / + accountId GET get security order info
ts-order-other-service /api/v1/orderOtherService/orderOther/security/ + checkDate + / + accountId GET get security other order info


Summary: This service provide APIs to CRUD station information, and it also provide APIs to get station name by id and get station id by name.

Main APIs:

URI Http Method Description
/api/v1/stationservice/stations GET get stations
/api/v1/stationservice/stations POST create new station
/api/v1/stationservice/stations PUT update station information
/api/v1/stationservice/stations/{stationsId} DELETE delete station
/api/v1/stationservice/stations/id/{stationNameForId} GET query station id by stationName
/api/v1/stationservice/stations/idlist POST get id list by name list
/api/v1/stationservice/stations/name/{stationIdForName} GET get stationName by id
/api/v1/stationservice/stations/namelist POST get id list by name list

Main Invocations:

This service CRUD informations via database, no other Invocations.


Summary: This service provide APIs to get ticket office information and manage ticket office information.

Main APIs:

URI Http Method Description
/getRegionList GET get region which provide ticket office
/getAll GET get all ticket office info
/getSpecificOffices POST get specific ticket office
/addOffice POST add new ticket office
/deleteOffice DELETE delete ticket office
/updateOffice POST update ticket office

Main Invocations:

This service CRUD informations via database, no other Invocations.



This service provide APIs to get travel information and query stationId.

Main APIs:

URI Http Method Description
/api/v1/ticketinfoservice/ticketinfo POST query travel info
/api/v1/ticketinfoservice/ticketinfo/{name} GET query stationId by name

Main Invocations:

Service URI Method Description
ts-basic-service /api/v1/basicservice/basic/travel POST query basic travel information
ts-basic-service /api/v1/basicservice/basic/" + name GET query stationId by name


Summary: This service provide APIs to manage train information, includes create train entity, update train information, get train's information and delete trains information

Main APIs:

URI Http Method Description
/api/v1/trainservice/trains POST create trains entity
/api/v1/trainservice/trains PUT update trains information
/api/v1/trainservice/trains/{id} GET get train's info by id
/api/v1/trainservice/trains/{id} DELETE delete train's info by id
/api/v1/trainservice/trains GET query train types
/api/v1/trainservice/trains/byName/{name} GET get train types by name

Main Invocations:

This service CRUD informations via database, no other Invocations.


Summary: This service provide APIs to get travel plan, includes cheapest travel plan, quickest travel plan, min station travel plan.

Main APIs:

URI Http Method Description
api/v1/travelplanservice/travelPlan/transferResult POST get transfer search result
api/v1/travelplanservice/travelPlan/cheapest POST get cheapest travel plan
api/v1/travelplanservice/travelPlan/quickest POST get quickest travel plan
api/v1/travelplanservice/travelPlan/minStation POST get min station amount travel plan

Main Invocations:

Service URI Method Description
ts-seat-service /api/v1/seatservice/seats/left_tickets POST get left tickets
ts-route-plan-service /api/v1/routeplanservice/routePlan/cheapestRoute POST get cheapest route
ts-route-plan-service /api/v1/routeplanservice/routePlan/quickestRoute POST get quickest route
ts-route-plan-service /api/v1/routeplanservice/routePlan/minStopStations POST get min stop stations route
ts-travel-service /api/v1/travelservice/trips/left POST get high speed trip
ts-travel2-service /api/v1/travel2service/trips/left POST get normal train's trip
ts-ticketinfo-service /api/v1/ticketinfoservice/ticketinfo/+stationName GET query station id by Name
ts-station-service /api/v1/stationservice/stations/namelist POST get station name list by station Id list


Summary: This service provide APIs to manage high speed train's trip.

Main APIs:

URI Http Method Description
/api/v1/travelservice/train_types/{tripId} GET get train type by tripId
/api/v1/travelservice/routes/{tripId} GET get route by tripId
/api/v1/travelservice/trips/routes POST get trip by routeId
/api/v1/travelservice/trips POST create trip
/api/v1/travelservice/trips/{tripId} GET get trip information by tripId
/api/v1/travelservice/trips PUT update trip
/api/v1/travelservice/trips/{tripId} DELETE delete a trip
/api/v1/travelservice/trips/left POST get left trip tickets
/api/v1/travelservice/trip_detail POST get trip info with left tickets
/api/v1/travelservice/trips GET query all trips
/api/v1/travelservice/admin_trip GET query all trip as an administrator

Main Invocations:

Service URI Method Description
ts-basic-service /api/v1/basicservice/basic/travel POST query basic travel information
ts-train-service /api/v1/trainservice/trains/byName/ GET get trainType by train type name
ts-route-service /api/v1/routeservice/routes/ + routeId GET get route information by routeId
ts-seat-service /api/v1/seatservice/seats/left_tickets POST get left tickets


Summary: This service provide APIs to manage normal train's trip.

Main APIs:

URI Http Method Description
/api/v1/travel2service/train_types/{tripId} GET get train type by tripId
/api/v1/travel2service/routes/{tripId} GET get route by tripId
/api/v1/travel2service/trips/routes POST get trip by routeId
/api/v1/travel2service/trips POST create trip
/api/v1/travel2service/trips/{tripId} GET get trip information by tripId
/api/v1/travel2service/trips PUT update trip
/api/v1/travel2service/trips/{tripId} DELETE delete a trip
/api/v1/travel2service/trips/left POST get left trip tickets
/api/v1/travel2service/trip_detail POST get trip info with left tickets
/api/v1/travel2service/trips GET query all trips
/api/v1/travel2service/admin_trip GET query all trip as an administrator

Main Invocations:

Service URI Method Description
ts-basic-service /api/v1/basicservice/basic/travel POST query basic travel information
ts-train-service /api/v1/trainservice/trains/byName/ GET get trainType by train type name
ts-route-service /api/v1/routeservice/routes/ + routeId GET get route information by routeId
ts-seat-service /api/v1/seatservice/seats/left_tickets POST get left tickets


Summary: This repository provide all the UI interface to interact with the system.


Summary: This repository provide all tests to test UI interface.


Summary: This service provide APIs to manage user information, includes register user, get user by username, get user by userId, and allow administrator to delete a user.

Main APIs:

URI Http Method Description
/api/v1/userservice/users GET get all users
/api/v1/userservice/users/{userName} GET get user by username
/api/v1/userservice/users/id/{userId} GET get user by id
/api/v1/userservice/users/register POST register user
/api/v1/userservice/users/{userId} DELETE delete user by id

Main Invocations:

Service URI Method Description
ts-auth-service /api/v1/auth POST create default user



This service provide APIs to generate verification code pictures and verify code which user send.

Main APIs:

URI Http Method Description
/api/v1/verifycode/generate GET generate verification code
/api/v1/verifycode/verify/{verifyCode} GET check verify code which user send

Main Invocations:

No other Invocations.


Summary: This service provide APIs to generate the reimbursement voucher based on the order id.

Main APIs:

URI Http Method Description
/getVoucher POST generate the reimbursement voucher based on the order id

Main Invocations:

Service URI Method Description
ts-order-other-service /api/v1/orderOtherService/orderOther/ + orderId GET query order information by orderId
ts-order-service /api/v1/orderservice/order/+orderId GET query high speed order information by orderId


Summary: This service provide APIs to manage waitlist orders.

Main APIs:

URI Http Method Description
/api/v1/waitorderservice/order POST create a waitlist order
/api/v1/waitorderservice//waitlistorders GET get all waitlist orders

Main Invocations:

No other Invocations.


Summary: This service provide APIs to CRUD train food.

Main APIs:

URI Http Method Description
/api/v1/trainfoodservice/trainfoods GET get all train food
/api/v1/trainfoodservice/trainfoods/{tripId} GET get train food list by trip id

Main Invocations:

No other Invocations.


Summary: This service provide APIs to CRUD station food.

Main APIs:

URI Http Method Description
/api/v1/stationfoodservice/stationfoodstores GET get all station food stores
/api/v1/stationfoodservice/stationfoodstores/{stationId} GET get station food stores by StationName
/api/v1/stationfoodservice/stationfoodstores POST get station food stores by StationNames
/api/v1/stationfoodservice/stationfoodstores/bystoreid/{stationFoodStoreId} GET get a station food store by stationFoodStoreId

Main Invocations:

No other Invocations.


Summary: This service provide APIs to CRUD food delivery orders.

Main APIs:

URI Http Method Description
/api/v1/fooddeliveryservice/orders POST create a food delivery order
/api/v1/fooddeliveryservice/orders/d/{orderId} DELETE delete a food delivery order
/api/v1/fooddeliveryservice/orders/{orderId} GET get a food delivery order
/api/v1/fooddeliveryservice/orders/all GET get all food delivery orders
/api/v1/fooddeliveryservice/orders/store/{storeId} GET get food delivery orders by storeId
/api/v1/fooddeliveryservice/orders/tripid PUT update food delivery orders' trip id
/api/v1/fooddeliveryservice/orders/seatno PUT update food delivery orders' seat number
/api/v1/fooddeliveryservice/orders/dtime PUT update food delivery orders' delivery time

Main Invocations:

Service URI Method Description
ts-station-food-service /api/v1/stationfoodservice/stationfoodstores/bystoreid/ + stationFoodStoreId GET get station food store info by id
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