GMaVis is a domain-specific language (DSL) that simplifies the creation of visualization from geospatial information, which is designed to use multi-core architecture parallelism to process data in parallel. Its compiler abstracts complexities from the whole visualization creation process, even in the data pre-processing phase. Also, it allows domain users with low-level knowledge in computer programming to create these visualizations through a high-level description language. These users can easily do it with a few lines of code, using simple declarations and blocks to express visualization details. Currently, GMaVis supports the creation of three types of geospatial visualization: markedmap, clusteredmap and heatmap. GMaVis has a short and simple grammar.
Cleverson Ledur (Creator) [email protected]
Dalvan Griebler (Contributor and Mentoring) [email protected]
Isabel Mansur (Mentoring)
Luiz G. Fernandes (Mentoring)
[DOI] Ledur, C.; Griebler, D.; Manssour, I.; Fernandes, L. G. A High-Level DSL for Geospatial Visualizations with Multi-core Parallelism Support. 41st IEEE Computer Society Signature Conference on Computers, Software and Applications (COMPSAC), 2017.
[DOI] Ledur, C.; Griebler, D.; Manssour, I.; Fernandes, L. G.. Towards a Domain-Specific Language for Geospatial Data Visualization Maps with Big Data Sets. ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA), 2015.
[DOI] Vogel A.; Rista, C.; Justo, G.; Ewald, E.; Griebler, D.; Mencagli, G.; Fernandes, L. G. Parallel Stream Processing with MPI for Video Analytics and Data Visualization. Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS), 2020.
[DOI] Ledur, C. GMaVis: A Domain-Specific Language for Large-Scale Geospatial Data Visualization Supporting Multi-core Parallelism. Master Thesis, PPGCC - PUCRS, 2016.
GMaVis' compiler is used to recognize GMaVis' code and transform it in a geospatial data visualizations.
In order to use this compiler, you must inform the file with GMaVis'code.
bin/gmavis [-i/--input] <arg> [-o/--output] <arg> [-p/--parallel] <arg>
bin/gmavis -i examples/heatmap_accidents_poa.vis -o out.html -p 2
To see all GMaVis options:
bin/gmavis -h