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Pythonized set-up of GPCR's for modeling with GROMACS.


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PyMemDyn Version 2.1

PyMemDyn is a standalone python package to setup membrane molecular dynamics calculations using the GROMACS set of programs. The package can be used either in a desktop environment, or in a cluster with popular queuing systems such as Torque/PBS or Slurm.

PyMemDyn is hosted in github at:

You can download any version of PyMemDyn by cloning the repository to your local machine using git.

You will need to create a free personal account at github and send and e-mail to: [email protected] requesting access to the code. After request processing from us you will be given access to the free repository.


Pymemdyn is dependent on GROMACS. Download GROMACS here. Instructions for installation are here.

In order to automatically generate .itp files for ligands and allosterics, the program ligpargen is used. Install using their instructions: Do not forget to activate the conda environment in which you installed ligpargen (conda activate py37 if you followed the instructions) before running pymemdyn. In case you are using a bash script, this should be done inside the script. See also "ligpargen_example" in the folder examples.

Testing was done using LigParGen v2.1 using BOSS5.0.

Pymemdyn can also be used without ligpargen installation, but then .itp files containing the parameters for the ligand and the allosteric should be provided in the same folder as their respective .pdb's.

BioPython BioPython is used to parse the provided PDB-files. You can install this package as follows:

    pip install biopython

Testing was done using BioPython 1.81


To install PyMemDyn follow these steps:

  1. Clone PyMemDyn for python 3.7:

    git clone https://[email protected]/GPCR-ModSim/pymemdyn.git

    Make sure to change username to the one you have created at github.

  2. The previous command will create a pymemdyn directory. Now you have to tell your operating system how to find that folder. You achieve this by declaring the location of the directory in a .bashrc file .cshrc or .zshrc file in your home folder. An example of what you will have to include in your .bashrc file follows:

    export PYMEMDYN=/home/username/software/pymemdyn

    or if your shell is csh then in your .cshrc file you can add:

    setenv PYMEMDYN /home/username/software/pymemdyn
    set path = ($path $PYMEMDYN)

    Notice that I have cloned pymemdyn in the software folder in my home folder, you will have to adapt this to wherever it is that you downloaded your pymemdyn to.

    After including the route to your pymemdyn directory in your .bashrc file make sure to issue the command:

    source .bashrc

    or open a new terminal.

    To check if you have defined the route to the pymemdyn directory correctly try to run the main program called pymemdyn in a terminal:

    pymemdyn --help

    You should obtain the following help output:

    usage: pymemdyn [-h] [-v] [-b OWN_DIR] [-r REPO_DIR] -p PDB [-l LIGAND]
                    [--lc LIGAND_CHARGE] [-w WATERS] [-i IONS]
                    [--full_relax FULL_RELAX] [--res RESTRAINT] [-f LOOP_FILL]
                    [-q QUEUE] [-d]
    == Setup Molecular Dynamics for Membrane Proteins given a PDB. ==
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
      -b OWN_DIR            Working dir if different from actual dir
      -r REPO_DIR           Path to templates of fixed files. If not provided,
                            take the value from settings.TEMPLATES_DIR.
      -p PDB                Name of the PDB file to insert into membrane for MD
                            (mandatory). Use the .pdb extension. (e.g. -p
      -l LIGAND, --lig LIGAND
                            Ligand identifiers of ligands present within the PDB
                            file. If multiple ligands are present, give a comma-
                            delimited list.
      --lc LIGAND_CHARGE    Charge of ligands for ligpargen (when itp file should
                            be generated). If multiple ligands are present, give a
                            comma-delimited list.
      -w WATERS, --waters WATERS
                            Water identifiers of crystalized water molecules
                            present within the PDB file.
      -i IONS, --ions IONS  Ion identifiers of crystalized ions present within the
                            PDB file.
      --full_relax FULL_RELAX
                            Toggle for performing full MD relaxation. If set to
                            false, the run will finish after the initial
                            relaxation. (default = True)
      --res RESTRAINT       Position restraints during MD production run. Options:
                            bw (Ballesteros-Weinstein Restrained Relaxation -
                            default), ca (C-Alpha Restrained Relaxation)
      -f LOOP_FILL, --loop_fill LOOP_FILL
                            Amount of Å per AA to fill cut loops. The total
                            distance is calculated from the coordinates of the
                            remaining residues. The AA contour length is 3.4-4.0
                            Å, To allow for flexibility in the loop, 2.0 Å/AA
                            (default) is suggested. (example: -f 2.0)
      -q QUEUE, --queue QUEUE
                            Queueing system to use (slurm, pbs, pbs_ib and svgd
      -d, --debug
  3. Updates are very easy thanks to the git versioning system. Once PyMemDyn has been downloaded (cloned) into its own pymemdyn folder you just have to move to it and pull the newest changes:

    cd /home/username/software/pymemdyn
    git pull   
  4. You can also clone older stable versions of PyMemDyn. For example the stable version 1.4 which works well and has been tested extensively again GROMACS version 4.6.7 can be cloned with:

    git clone https://[email protected]/GPCR-ModSim/pymemdyn.git \
    --branch stable/1.4 --single-branch pymemdyn-1.4

    Now you will have to change your .bashrc or .cshrc files in your home folder accordingly.

  5. To make sure that your GROMACS installation is understood by PyMemDyn you will need to specify the path to where GROMACS is installed in your system. To do this you will need to edit the file with any text editor (vi and emacs are common options in the unix environment). Make sure that only one line is uncommented, looking like: GROMACS_PATH = /opt/gromacs-2021/bin Provided that in your case gromacs is installed in /opt. The program will prepend this line to the binaries names, so calling /opt/gromacs-2021/bin/gmx should point to that binary.

Modeling Modules

The following modules define the objects to be modeled.

  • This module defines the ProteinComplex, Protein, Monomer, Dimer, Compound, Ligand, CrystalWaters, Ions, Cholesterol, Lipids, and Alosteric objects. These objects are started with the required files, and can then be passed to other objects.
  • Defines the cellular membrane.
  • Defines the full complex, protein + membrane.
    It can include any of the previous objects.

Auxiliary Modules

  • Checks continuity of the protein and composition of the residues.
  • Contains the amino acids class that defines the 1-letter and three letter codes, along with the number of different atoms per residue.
  • Queue manager. That is, it receives objects to be executed.
  • Applies step by step instructions for carrying a modeling step.
  • Creates a set of distance restraints based on Ballesteros-Weinstein identities which are gathered by alignment to a multiple-sequence alignment using clustalw.
  • Puts the functions done by the previous objects on demand. For example, manipulate files, copy folders, call functions or classes from standalone modules like, etc.
  • This modules sets up the main environment variables needed to run the calculation, for example, the path to the gromacs binaries.

Execution Modules

  • Defines the Gromacs and Wrapper objects. * Gromacs will load the objects to be modeled, the modeling recipe, and run it. * Wrapper is a proxy for gromacs commands. When a recipe entry is sent to it this returns the command to be run.


  • pymemdyn The main program to call which sends the run to a cluster.


In chapter 2 of documentation/pymemdyn.pdf the manual can be found.

PyMemDyn execution manuals are found within the /examples directory. These include input file generation/processing and data processing.


Changes from version 2.0 to 2.1

  • March, 2024

Modifications for improved robustness: Ligand handling by LigParGen; Protein checks with BioPython; Distance checks; Set C-alpha restraints as default for --res; Restraint handling; Cleaning function.

Ease of use: Added --full_relax to switch the final relaxation protocol on/off; Expanded documentation README; Expanded documentation output; Updated .pml scripts.

Changes from version 1.6.3 to 2.0

  • December, 2023

Input should now consist of a single pdb file that contains both the protein and all of its ligands, waters and ions. The three letter codes of the ligands, waters and ions need to be defined with -l, -w and -i (comma separated) respectively. The charges of the ligand(s) (if non-zero) need to be defined with --lc (also comma separated).

Continuity of the protein residue numbering is checked as well. In case of a discontinuity the residue numbering the gap will be filled with a poly-ala chain with Modeller. The distance (in Å) per AA can be set with -f and is equal to 2.0 by default.

Next to continuity of the residue numbering also the number of atoms per residue is compared to a predefined dictionary. In case of a missing sidechain the whole residue will be removed from the protein and replaced by the same residue with Modeller.

Changes from version 1.6.2 to 1.6.3

  • April, 2023

Added check to see if orientation of lig/alo/ion/etc. matches that of protein. Prints warning if distence between those is unusual.

Changes from version 1.6.1 to 1.6.2

  • April, 2023

Added support for using multiple alosteric molecules using a single itp file.
Catch gromacs fatal error and print in log.

Changes from version 1.6 to 1.6.1

  • March, 2023

Added support for Maestro ligand and allosteric .pdb files. (#15)
Fixed bug in prod.mdp for gromacs (#16)
Added .itp files required by to folder finalOutput so gromp command can be run from there (#17)
Documentation is added to the folder /documentation and can be automatically updated with Sphinx.
A new logfile is added (log.log) along with two different debug modes (--debug, --debugFast).

Changes from version 1.5.2 to 1.6

  • March 8, 2023

Added feature for automatic generation of itp file from pdb file (ligand and allosteric) with ligpargen.

Changes from version 1.5.1 to 1.5.2

  • Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Added option to align the membrane based on PPM membrane predictions. Added option to allow large protein complexes to be inserted by PyMemDyn.

Changes from version 1.5 to 1.5.1

  • Thursday, May 12, 2022

Added option to use LigParGen parameter files as input for ligands and allosterics.

Changes from version 1.4 to 1.5

  • Thursday, April 7, 2022

Now PyMemDyn runs with the current GROMACS versions (version 5.0 >). Has been tested only with GROMACS 2021, but should work for all GROMACS versions above 5.0. Please report any issues encountered with GROMACS compatibility issues. In addition, --res was added to the command line to allow for position restraint selection for the production MD run.

Changes from version 1.3 to 1.4

  • Saturday, September 12, 2020

Now pymemdyn runs in Python3. Has been tested only with python 3.7 but hopefully will work with python3 in general. A needed mac OSX Catalina binary for clustalw is included. There might still be python2 to python3 compatibility issues lurking somewhere. Please report them if you see them.

Changes from version 1.2 to 1.3

  • Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Implemented Ballesteros-Weinstein based pair-distance restraints using the NMR-type piecewise potential function implemented in GROMACS. The set of restraints depends on a list of tuples called bwpairs which can be defined in any way the user desires. In out case we are using the Venkatrakrishnan et al. conserved contact network. New reports for RMSD on c-alpha atoms and per residue RMSF.

Changes from version 1.0 to 1.1

  • Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Gromacs 4.6.X internally makes HOH residues belong to both the Water and SOL groups. This creates a problem with crystal waters which are not recognized as a separate entity just as, for example, ligands. One fix is to modify the gromacs residuetypes.dat file so that the association is forgotten (erased), or, as we have done, make sure that HOH and SOL groups generated in pdb's and topologies remain continuous. This has forced us to take the waters group (which defines crystal waters) away from the default concat function in the module.

  • Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Among many changes to get pyMEMdyn up an running with gromacs 4.6.5 instead of 4.0.5 a new substitution for HIE, HID, and HIP is done. Previously the substitution was HIE:HISB, HID:HISA, HIP:HISH, now it's HIE:HISE, HID:HISD, HIP:HISH


Pythonized set-up of GPCR's for modeling with GROMACS.







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