💻 Extract text from tables of images. Use OpenCV to detect margin lines and PyTesseract to detect Burmese text. ⌨️
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Folder Input
- folder_input.py - current output as CSV append , so need to delete or find a way to overwrite to apply new folder. Then another possible work is directly upload into Google Sheets.
- In output csv , there's uncessary characters(like \n symbol), need to find a way to remove these.(possible with pandas then overwrite)
Link with Google APIs
Google Sheets Helping Guide
Fix not to overwrite for appending CSVs
Always opening BW image for each page
- I think I can fix with by changing waitkey() & destoryAllWindows functions. Solution - change waitkey(0) into waitkey(10) then add destory.
Correct Horizontal , Vertical & Intersection of table
- FindContour?
- Adjusting parameters
Pandas - Removing non-Unicode characters
- Regex characters
- Appending rows by rows
- Even or Odd numbers of Array
- Dictionary into Dataframe
- 1D Array into Pandas.Dataframe series
- Combine multiple sereis as one Dataframe
Accuracy Test
Google Vision API
Web Version
Unicode CSV encoding problem - when I try to export csv into google sheets , the font wasn't correct when using with Gspread 'import_csv' function.
- Solution -> open("angel.csv", "r").read().encode("utf8")
Nov 27,2020
- A lot of errors also today. I didn't note down everything but the solved tasks that I remember is
- Adjusting threshold & minLinLength values to detect the table correctly (it's the most important thing)
- Append the dictionary according to filenames
- Generate CSV - row by row
- Overall result is satisfied.
- My code is full of comments & editions. Noone won't be able to understand at the first look.:satisfied:
- I need to write a blog about this project and also record an explanation video.
- A lot of errors also today. I didn't note down everything but the solved tasks that I remember is