Exploring the paradigm of functional reactive programming as a tech stack
Program in the present; compile down to what browsers need to digest; polyfill where required
RxJS (ReactiveX)
Asynchronous and event-based reactive programming library
ReactJS (React)
DOM abstraction; one-way binding; UI library
npm install
npm start
- Explore the paradigm of functional reactive programming in the context of front-end development
- Explore the separation of concerns, MVC?
- How much can be pure ECMAScript with libraries essentially being polyfills/shims
- Can this be a feasible implementation in different contexts
- Creation of flat markup for backend integration
- SPA builds
- Semi-native device applications
- Explore testing solutions
- Explore routing solutions
- Explore build pipelines
- Aim to keep API area to a minimum; application of concepts
- Don't want this to be yet another framework
- Limit dependencies