This is a small PHP Dependency Injection Container with autowiring and as little configuration as possible.
It extends Psr\Container\ContainerInterface
and provides some goodies to help accelerate development.
Via Composer:
composer require hafo/di
PHP version 7.1 or higher is required.
The easiest way is to use the ContainerBuilder
use Hafo\DI\ContainerBuilder;
$builder = new ContainerBuilder();
// configure the builder
Symfony\Component\Console\Application::class => function () {
return new Symfony\Component\Console\Application();
$container = $builder->createContainer();
// run the application
$application = $container->get(Symfony\Component\Console\Application::class);
You can add services via ContainerBuilder:
Symfony\Component\Console\Application::class => function () {
return new Symfony\Component\Console\Application();
// ... add more services
It is recommended to use the classnames as identifiers as these can be used for autowiring, if enabled. Also, it's best practice.
Parameter can be an array, or any iterable really, as long as it provides both the keys and the factory callbacks.
A decorator is a simple callback that gets called when a service is created. It can be used to modify the service before returning it.
use Hafo\DI\Container;
Symfony\Component\Console\Application::class => [
function (Symfony\Component\Console\Application $application, Container $container) {
// ... add more decorators for Application class
// ... add more decorators for other services
Decision whether a decorator should be used for a service is done via simple is_a()
so you can easily decorate multiple services that implement same interface, for example.
The container makes sure that each decorator gets called only once for each service instance.
You can also add parameters:
'rootDir' => __DIR__,
// ... add more parameters
Parameters are then registered in the DI container and can be accessed via the get()
method, just like the services.
If you want to avoid writing many factories by hand, you can use autowiring. Just make sure that the constructor arguments for your service are resolvable, which means that all the dependencies must be instantiable using the DI container or they must have default values.
use Hafo\DI\Autowiring\AutowiringCache\MemoryCache;
use Hafo\DI\Autowiring\DefaultAutowiring;
use Hafo\DI\ContainerBuilder;
$builder = new ContainerBuilder();
$builder->setAutowiring(new DefaultAutowiring(new MemoryCache()));
$container = $builder->createContainer();
You can use Hafo\DI\Autowiring\AutowiringCache\NetteCache
instead of MemoryCache
if you use the nette/caching
You can also implement your own Hafo\DI\Autowiring\AutowiringCache
or even Hafo\DI\Autowiring
It is good practice to use interfaces for your services. The DI container however doesn't know by default which specific class you want to return. We need to specify it:
Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface::class => Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager::class
You can create self-contained reusable modules simply by implementing the Hafo\DI\Module
Making the module work in your project is then as easy as instantiating it and calling a method install
passing the builder as an argument.