OpenFL extension to use Facebook in your app
/!\ Android only compatible with legacy build at the moment!
If you use ios-legacy backend (-Dlegacy), use the legacy branch.
Clone this repo, then use the command below :
haxelib dev facebook path/to/clone
Install the msignal lib as well :
haxelib install msignal
then build the extension :
lime rebuild facebook ios
Add a setenv tag in you project.xml to set your facebook application ID and application display name:
<setenv name="FACEBOOK_APP_ID" value="5898465436219" />
<setenv name="FACEBOOK_APP_DISPLAY_NAME" value="TestExtension" />
Then add the haxelib tag :
<haxelib name="facebook" />
Now you are ready to use the extension in your application.
Facebook asks for a key hashe when configuring your app for facebook. Your have to generate a keystore. Then use the bat in the sample folder to get your keyhase.
Add these lines in your PROJ-Info.plist template, before the final closing </dict>
If you don't have an PROJ-Info.plist yet, you can find the default template here:
To use it, save it at templates/iphone/PROJ/PROJ-Info.plist
, and add this line in your project.xml:
<template path="templates" />
If you use other extennsions that templates that file, you'll have to merge it in yours.
You can as well use the command
haxelib run facebook project.xml
To apply the change to ther plist file, but you'll need to run it after every lime update or clean build.
// Wrote the samples in github edit mode, errors may appear...
import openfl.display.Sprite;
import extension.facebook.LoginHelper;
import extension.facebook.AccessToken;
class FacebookLoginDemo extends Sprite {
var mHelper : LoginHelper;
var mUserId : String;
function new(){
mHelper = new LoginHelper(onLoggedIn, onLoggedOut, onLogginError, onLoginCancel);
mHelper.init(); // this check if the user was loggedIn before, and trigger onLoggedIn if it was the case.
var btnLogIn = new Sprite();;,0,100,33);
btnLogIn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onLoginCLicked);
var btnLogOut = new Sprite();;,0,100,33);
btnLogOut.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onLogOutClicked);
btnLogOut.y = 100;
function onLoginClicked(e : MouseEvent) {
function onLogOutClicked(e : MouseEvent) {
function onLoggedIn(){
mUserId = AccessToken.getCurrent().getUserId();
trace("Your user id is : " + mUserId);
function onLoggedOut() {
trace("logged out");
function onLogginError(e : String) {
trace("error : " + e);
function onLoginCancel() {
trace("You have to log in to use my awesome app.");
Use this tool to test graph request :
import extension.facebook.Request;
function getUserName() {
var params = {
fields : "id,name"
var request : Request = new Request("me", params);
request.load(onRequestSuccess, onRequestFail);
function onRequestSuccess(data : Dynamic){
trace("Your name is : " +;
function onRequestFail(e : FacebookError){
trace("Request fail : " + e);
import extension.facebook.Request;
import extension.facebook.Permission;
function askPermission(){
// try to read user friend list. If we don't have the permission, we ask for it, then perform the request
Permission.doWithRead([Permission.USER_FRIENDS ], onAccept, onRefused, onError);
// use doWithWrite if you want some write permissions
function onAccept(){
var request = new Request("me/friends");
request.load(onSuccess, onRequestError);
function onSuccess(data : Dynamic){
function onRequesterror(e : String){
trace("error : " + e);
function onRefused(){
trace("Please accept the permission so we can ask gift to your friends :'(");
function onError(){