Paper Link:
Semi-supervised Fine-Grained Recognition is a challenging task due to the difculty of data imbalance, high inter-class similarity and domain mismatch. Recently, this feld has witnessed giant leap and many methods have gained great performance. We discover that these existing Semi-supervised Learning (SSL) methods achieve satisfactory performance owe to the exploration of unlabeled data. However, on the realistic large-scale datasets, due to the abovementioned challenges, the improvement of the quality of pseudo-labels requires further research. In this work, we propose Bilateral-Branch Self-Training Framework (BiSTF), a simple yet efective framework to improve existing semi-supervised learning methods on class-imbalanced and domain-shifted fne-grained data. By adjusting stochastic epoch update frequency, BiSTF iteratively retrains a baseline SSL model with a labeled set expanded by selectively adding pseudo-labeled samples from an unlabeled set, where the distribution of pseudo-labeled samples is the same as the labeled data. We show that BiSTF outperforms the existing state-of-the-art SSL algorithm on Semi-iNat dataset.
Method | beta = 10% | beta = 30% | beta = 80% |
Pseudo-labeling | 68.15 | 75.94 | 77.98 |
Mean teacher | 76.28 | 80.89 | 81.58 |
MixMatch | 78.91 | 82.46 | 83.85 |
FixMatch (RA) | 81.15 | 84.51 | 86.26 |
BiSTF | 80.02 | 85.16 | 88.47 |
- mindspore >= 1.8.1
- numpy >= 1.17.0
- pyyaml >= 5.3
- tqdm
- openmpi 4.0.3 (for distributed mode)
To install the dependency, please run
pip install -r requirements.txt
python --model=resnet50 --dataset=your_data_path --val_while_train --val_split=val --val_interval=1 --ckpt_save_dir your_save_path
You can add more parameters in the configs file by reading the paper, such as RandAugment etc.
python --model=resnet50 --dataset=your_data_path --val_split=validation --ckpt_path='./ckpt/resnet50-best.ckpt'
This work is sponsored by Natural Science Foundation of China(62276242), CAAI-Huawei MindSpore Open Fund(CAAIXSJLJJ-2021-016B), Anhui Province Key Research and Development Program(202104a05020007), and USTC Research Funds of the Double First-Class Initiative(YD2350002001)
If you find this project useful in your research, please consider citing:
title={A viable framework for semi-supervised learning on realistic dataset},
author={Chang, Hao and Xie, Guochen and Yu, Jun and Ling, Qiang and Gao, Fang and Yu, Ye},
journal={Machine Learning},