A heroku plugin for awesome pg:* commands that are also great and fun and super.
~ ➤ heroku plugins:install git://github.com/heroku/heroku-pg-extras.git
~ ➤ heroku pg:cache_hit -adashboard
name | ratio
index hit rate | 0.99957765013541945832
table hit rate | 1.00
(2 rows)
~ ➤ heroku pg:index_usage -adashboard
relname | percent_of_times_index_used | rows_in_table
events | 65 | 1217347
app_infos | 74 | 314057
app_infos_user_info | 0 | 198848
user_info | 5 | 94545
delayed_jobs | 27 | 0
(5 rows)
~ ➤ heroku pg:ps
procpid | source | running_for | waiting | query
31776 | psql | 00:19:08.017088 | f | <IDLE> in transaction
31912 | psql | 00:18:56.12178 | t | select * from hello;
32670 | Heroku Postgres Data Clip daaiifuuraiyks | 00:00:25.625609 | f | BEGIN READ ONLY; select pg_sleep(60)
(2 rows)
~ ➤ heroku pg:locks
procpid | relname | transactionid | granted | query_snippet | age
31776 | | | t | <IDLE> in transaction | 00:19:29.837898
31776 | | 1294 | t | <IDLE> in transaction | 00:19:29.837898
31912 | | | t | select * from hello; | 00:19:17.94259
3443 | | | t | +| 00:00:00
| | | | select +|
| | | | pg_stat_activi |
(4 rows)
~ ➤ heroku pg:outliers
qry | exec_time | prop_exec_time | ncalls | sync_io_time
SELECT * FROM archivable_usage_events.. | 154:39:26.431466 | 72.2% | 34,211,877 | 00:00:00
COPY public.archivable_usage_events (.. | 50:38:33.198418 | 23.6% | 13 | 13:34:21.00108
COPY public.usage_events (id, reporte.. | 02:32:16.335233 | 1.2% | 13 | 00:34:19.784318
INSERT INTO usage_events (id, retaine.. | 01:42:59.436532 | 0.8% | 12,328,187 | 00:00:00
SELECT * FROM usage_events WHERE (alp.. | 01:18:10.754354 | 0.6% | 102,114,301 | 00:00:00
UPDATE usage_events SET reporter_id =.. | 00:52:35.683254 | 0.4% | 23,786,348 | 00:00:00
INSERT INTO usage_events (id, retaine.. | 00:49:24.952561 | 0.4% | 21,988,201 | 00:00:00
COPY public.app_ownership_events (id,.. | 00:37:14.31082 | 0.3% | 13 | 00:12:32.584754
INSERT INTO app_ownership_events (id,.. | 00:26:59.808212 | 0.2% | 383,109 | 00:00:00
SELECT * FROM app_ownership_events .. | 00:19:06.021846 | 0.1% | 744,879 | 00:00:00
(10 rows)
~ ➤ heroku pg:calls
qry | exec_time | prop_exec_time | ncalls | sync_io_time
SELECT * FROM usage_events WHERE (alp.. | 01:18:11.073333 | 0.6% | 102,120,780 | 00:00:00
BEGIN | 00:00:51.285988 | 0.0% | 47,288,662 | 00:00:00
COMMIT | 00:00:52.31724 | 0.0% | 47,288,615 | 00:00:00
SELECT * FROM archivable_usage_event.. | 154:39:26.431466 | 72.2% | 34,211,877 | 00:00:00
UPDATE usage_events SET reporter_id =.. | 00:52:35.986167 | 0.4% | 23,788,388 | 00:00:00
INSERT INTO usage_events (id, retaine.. | 00:49:25.260245 | 0.4% | 21,990,326 | 00:00:00
INSERT INTO usage_events (id, retaine.. | 01:42:59.436532 | 0.8% | 12,328,187 | 00:00:00
SELECT * FROM app_ownership_events .. | 00:19:06.289521 | 0.1% | 744,976 | 00:00:00
INSERT INTO app_ownership_events(id, .. | 00:26:59.885631 | 0.2% | 383,153 | 00:00:00
UPDATE app_ownership_events SET app_i.. | 00:01:22.282337 | 0.0% | 359,741 | 00:00:00
(10 rows)
~ ➤ heroku pg:blocking
blocked_pid | blocking_statement | blocking_duration | blocking_pid | blocked_statement | blocked_duration
461 | select count(*) from app | 00:00:03.838314 | 15682 | UPDATE "app" SET "updated_at" = '2013-03-04 15:07:04.746688' WHERE "id" = 12823149 | 00:00:03.821826
(1 row)
~ ➤ heroku pg:pull DATABASE localdbname --app myapp
~ ➤ heroku pg:push localdbname DATABASE --app myapp
~ ➤ heroku pg:index_size
~ ➤ heroku pg:total_index_size
28194 MB
(1 row)
~ ➤ heroku pg:index_size
name | size
idx_activity_attemptable_and_type_lesson_enrollment | 5196 MB
index_enrollment_attemptables_by_attempt_and_last_in_group | 4045 MB
index_attempts_on_student_id | 2611 MB
enrollment_activity_attemptables_pkey | 2513 MB
index_attempts_on_student_id_final_attemptable_type | 2466 MB
attempts_pkey | 2466 MB
index_attempts_on_response_id | 2404 MB
index_attempts_on_enrollment_id | 1957 MB
index_enrollment_attemptables_by_enrollment_activity_id | 1789 MB
enrollment_activities_pkey | 458 MB
index_enrollment_activities_by_lesson_enrollment_and_activity | 402 MB
index_placement_attempts_on_response_id | 109 MB
index_placement_attempts_on_placement_test_id | 108 MB
index_placement_attempts_on_grade_level_id | 97 MB
index_lesson_enrollments_on_lesson_id | 93 MB
(truncated results for brevity)
~ ➤ heroku pg:unused_indexes
table | index | index_size | index_scans
public.grade_levels | index_placement_attempts_on_grade_level_id | 97 MB | 0
public.observations | observations_attrs_grade_resources | 33 MB | 0
public.messages | user_resource_id_idx | 12 MB | 0
(3 rows)
~ ➤ heroku pg:seq_scans
name | count
learning_coaches | 44820063
states | 36794975
grade_levels | 13972293
charities_customers | 8615277
charities | 4316276
messages | 3922247
contests_customers | 2915972
classroom_goals | 2142014
contests | 1370267
goals | 1112659
districts | 158995
rollup_reports | 115942
customers | 93847
schools | 92984
classrooms | 92982
customer_settings | 91226
(truncated results for brevity)
~ ➤ heroku pg:long_running_queries
pid | duration | query
19578 | 02:29:11.200129 | EXPLAIN SELECT "students".* FROM "students" WHERE "students"."id" = 1450645 LIMIT 1
19465 | 02:26:05.542653 | EXPLAIN SELECT "students".* FROM "students" WHERE "students"."id" = 1889881 LIMIT 1
19632 | 02:24:46.962818 | EXPLAIN SELECT "students".* FROM "students" WHERE "students"."id" = 1581884 LIMIT 1
(truncated results for brevity)
~ ➤ heroku pg:bloat
type | schemaname | object_name | bloat | waste
table | public | bloated_table | 1.1 | 98 MB
table | public | other_bloated_table | 1.1 | 58 MB
index | public | bloated_table::bloated_index | 3.7 | 34 MB
table | public | clean_table | 0.2 | 3808 kB
table | public | other_clean_table | 0.3 | 1576 kB
~ ➤ heroku pg:vacuum_stats
schema | table | last_vacuum | last_autovacuum | rowcount | dead_rowcount | autovacuum_threshold | expect_autovacuum
public | log_table | | 2013-04-26 17:37 | 18,030 | 0 | 3,656 |
public | data_table | | 2013-04-26 13:09 | 79 | 28 | 66 |
public | other_table | | 2013-04-26 11:41 | 41 | 47 | 58 |
public | queue_table | | 2013-04-26 17:39 | 12 | 8,228 | 52 | yes
public | picnic_table | | | 13 | 0 | 53 |
~ ➤ heroku pg:mandelbrot
Upgrades your Production Tier Postgres database to the latest version
In short: heroku pg:upgrade A_FOLLOWER_HEROKU_POSTGRES_URL --app your_app
pg:upgrade is only for databases that cannot complete a dump and restore cycle through pg_dump/pg_restore or pgbackups:transfer. By using pg:upgrade, the checksum capabilities of Postgres 9.3 cannot be enabled for your database, a feature we highly recommend. pg:upgrade is not recommended for databases of size 20GB and below.
This command will only work on a follower, so that your main database is kept
untouched, and so that it contains the most recent data possible. During the
course of the upgrade, it will unfollow its parent and run the upgrade
procedure. During the upgrade, you can use heroku pg:wait
to track progress.
After the upgrade is done, check the data in the new database and make sure
that everything still works. Then use heroku pg:promote
to promote the
upgraded database for your application. Leave the old one around until you're
comfortable with the new database.
A typical upgrade procedure looks like so:
# Create a follower
heroku addons:add heroku-postgresql:<your-plan> --follow=MASTER_DATABASE_URL --app <your-app>
# Wait until it's cought up with the master
heroku pg:wait <new-database-color> --app <your-app>
# Put your app in maintenance mode
heroku maintenance:on --app <your-app>
# Upgrade the follower
heroku pg:upgrade HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_<new-database-color> --app <your-app>
# Wait until it completes upgrading
heroku pg:wait --app <your-app>
# Promote it, so your app now talks to this new database
heroku pg:promote HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_<new-database-color> --app <your-app>
# Remove maintenance mode
heroku maintenance:off --app <your-app>
We recommend you leave the original master for a few days, or until you're comfortable that the new database is working as expected. To remove the old database, simply remove the addon:
heroku addons:remove HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_<old-database-color> --app <your-app>
Thanks for trying it out. If you find any issues, please notify us at [email protected]