Use and support FOSS!
Hi there! My name is Patrick, and I am currently in my Sophmore year studying Computer Science! ย
I've been coding since I was 9
- my first language was JavaScript ย
While I'm studying Cyber Security, I'm also in love with Game Dev, and have been making small games since I was 10
- Flappy Bird was what started this passion becuase I was bad at it ย
I am also very passionate about the use of Free Open Source Software and the preservation of video games ย
Message me on Discord if you want to talk!
A 2D Platformer built in Java using the LibGDX libraries for my software engineering class ย
A 2D rouge-like using a Commodore 64 tile set and ASCII sprites. Made in GODOT using GDscript. Proof of Concept demon coming at the end of March ย
I want to work on my own site (probably using Github Pages) to use as an online portfolio ย
React ย
- School email
- My Discord
- InstaLight ย
- ๐ Kingdom Hearts
- ๐ธ๏ธ Spider-Man 2
- ๐ Risk of Rain 2
- ๐ฒ Terraria
- ๐น Diablo ย
- ๐ฉธNew Blood Interactive
- ๐ซDevolver Digital
- ๐งฑNintendo ย
๐ป Cyber Security