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Soupstraw committed Sep 18, 2024
1 parent 76ad4e9 commit c6beabc
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Showing 13 changed files with 207 additions and 32 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions src/Ledger/Foreign/HSLedger/Address.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,10 @@ module Ledger.Foreign.HSLedger.Address where

open import Ledger.Foreign.HSLedger.BaseTypes

import qualified MAlonzo.Code.Ledger.Foreign.HSTypes

HsTy-Credential = autoHsType Credential
Conv-Credential = autoConvert Credential
Expand All @@ -17,3 +21,4 @@ instance

unquoteDecl = do
hsTypeAlias Addr
hsTypeAlias Wdrl
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions src/Ledger/Foreign/HSLedger/Certs.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
module Ledger.Foreign.HSLedger.Certs where

open import Ledger.Foreign.HSLedger.Address
open import Ledger.Foreign.HSLedger.BaseTypes hiding (DState; CertEnv; GState)
open import Ledger.Foreign.HSLedger.BaseTypes hiding (DState; CertEnv; GState; CertState)
open import Ledger.Foreign.HSLedger.Gov
open import Ledger.Foreign.HSLedger.PParams

open import Ledger.Certs.Properties govStructure
open import Ledger.Certs.Haskell govStructure using (⟦_,_,_,_⟧ᵈ; DState; GState)
open import Ledger.Certs.Haskell govStructure using (⟦_,_,_,_⟧ᵈ; DState; GState; CertState)

open import Ledger.Certs.Haskell.Properties govStructure
renaming ( Computational-DELEG to Computational-DELEG'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -65,6 +65,9 @@ instance
• fieldPrefix "gs"
Conv-GState = autoConvert GState

HsTy-CertState' = autoHsType CertState ⊣ withConstructor "MkCertState"
Conv-CertState' = autoConvert CertState

-- deleg-step : HsType (DelegEnv → DState → DCert → ComputationResult String DState)
-- deleg-step = to (compute Computational-DELEG)

Expand Down
22 changes: 15 additions & 7 deletions src/Ledger/Foreign/HSLedger/Core.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ module Implementation where
toData : {A : Type} A Data
toData _ = tt

PlutusScript =
PlutusScript = ScriptHash
ExUnits = ℕ × ℕ
ExUnit-CommutativeMonoid = IsCommutativeMonoid' 0ℓ 0ℓ ExUnits ∋ (toCommMonoid' record
{ Carrier = ExUnits
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -132,12 +132,9 @@ instance
{ hashRespectsUnion = hashRespectsUnion
; ps = HSP2ScriptStructure }
instance Hashable-Timelock : Hashable Timelock ℕ

hashRespectsUnion : {A B ℍ}
Hashable A ℍ Hashable B ℍ
Hashable (A ⊎ B) ℍ
hashRespectsUnion : {A B Hash : Type} Hashable A Hash Hashable B Hash Hashable (A ⊎ B) Hash
hashRespectsUnion record { hash = hash₁ } record { hash = hash₂ } =
record { hash = λ where (inj₁ x) hash₁ x; (inj₂ y) hash₂ y }

HSP2ScriptStructure : PlutusStructure
HSP2ScriptStructure = record
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -217,3 +214,14 @@ instance

open import Ledger.Address Network KeyHash ScriptHash using () public

-- * Aliases
unquoteDecl = do
hsTypeAlias Coin
hsTypeAlias ExUnits
hsTypeAlias Data
hsTypeAlias Redeemer
hsTypeAlias AuxiliaryData
hsTypeAlias Epoch
hsTypeAlias ScriptHash
hsTypeAlias GovActionID
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/Ledger/Foreign/HSLedger/Gov.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -110,6 +110,10 @@ instance
HsTy-GovActionState = MkHsType GovActionState (HsType GovActionState')
Conv-GovActionState = mkGovActionState' ⨾ Conv-GovActionState'

unquoteDecl = do
hsTypeAlias Voter
hsTypeAlias GovState

-- Computational function

gov-step : HsType (GovEnv GovState List (GovVote ⊎ GovProposal) ComputationResult String GovState)
Expand Down
13 changes: 8 additions & 5 deletions src/Ledger/Foreign/HSLedger/Ledger.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ module Ledger.Foreign.HSLedger.Ledger where

open import Ledger.Foreign.HSLedger.Address
open import Ledger.Foreign.HSLedger.BaseTypes
hiding (CertState)
open import Ledger.Foreign.HSLedger.Certs
open import Ledger.Foreign.HSLedger.Enact
open import Ledger.Foreign.HSLedger.Gov
Expand All @@ -10,19 +11,21 @@ open import Ledger.Foreign.HSLedger.Transaction
open import Ledger.Foreign.HSLedger.Utxo

open import Ledger.Ledger it it
open import Ledger.Ledger.Properties it it
hiding (LState)
open import Ledger.Ledger.Haskell it it
open import Ledger.Ledger.Haskell.Properties it it

-- These are "duplicate" because of the duplicate STSs
HsTy-GState' = autoHsType GState ⊣ withConstructor "MkGState"
HsTy-GState' = autoHsType GState
⊣ withName "GState'"
• withConstructor "MkGState'"
• fieldPrefix "gs'"
Conv-GState' = autoConvert GState

HsTy-DState' = autoHsType DState ⊣ withConstructor "MkDState"
Conv-DState' = autoConvert DState

HsTy-CertState' = autoHsType CertState ⊣ withConstructor "MkCertState"
Conv-CertState' = autoConvert CertState

HsTy-LEnv = autoHsType LEnv ⊣ withConstructor "MkLEnv"
• fieldPrefix "le"
Conv-LEnv = autoConvert LEnv
Expand Down
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/Ledger/Foreign/HSLedger/Transaction.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,9 @@ instance
Conv-Timelock = autoConvert Timelock

HsTy-HashedTimelock = autoHsType HashedTimelock ⊣ withConstructor "MkHashedTimelock"
Conv-HashedTimelock = autoConvert HashedTimelock

HsTy-TxWitnessess = autoHsType TxWitnesses ⊣ withConstructor "MkTxWitnesses"
Conv-TxWitnessess = autoConvert TxWitnesses

Expand All @@ -37,3 +40,4 @@ unquoteDecl = do
hsTypeAlias DataHash ⊣ withName "DataHash"
hsTypeAlias Value
hsTypeAlias TxOut
hsTypeAlias RdmrPtr
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/Ledger/Gov.lagda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -365,3 +365,4 @@ and some conditions depending on the type of the action:
epoch are allowed, and candidates cannot be added and removed at the same time;
\item and we check the validity of hard-fork actions via \validHFAction.

59 changes: 59 additions & 0 deletions src/Ledger/Ledger/Haskell.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}

open import Ledger.Prelude
open import Ledger.Types.GovStructure
open import Ledger.Transaction
open import Ledger.Abstract

module Ledger.Ledger.Haskell
(txs : _) (open TransactionStructure txs using (govStructure; Tx; TxBody; epoch))
(abs : AbstractFunctions txs) (open AbstractFunctions abs)

open import Ledger.Utxo txs abs
open import Ledger.Utxow txs abs
open import Ledger.Gov txs
open import Ledger.Certs.Haskell govStructure
open import Ledger.Ledger txs abs
using (LEnv; txgov)
open import Ledger.Types.Epoch

record LState : Type where
constructor ⟦_,_,_⟧ˡ
utxoSt : UTxOState
govSt : GovState
certState : CertState

private variable
Γ : LEnv
s s' s'' : LState
utxoSt' : UTxOState
govSt' : GovState
certState' : CertState
tx : Tx

open Tx

_⊢_⇀⦇_,LEDGER⦈_ : LEnv LState Tx LState Type
LEDGER-V : let open LState s; txb = tx .body; open TxBody txb; open LEnv Γ in
∙ isValid tx ≡ true
record { LEnv Γ } ⊢ utxoSt ⇀⦇ tx ,UTXOW⦈ utxoSt'
∙ ⟦ epoch slot , pparams , txvote , txwdrls ⟧ᶜ ⊢ certState ⇀⦇ txcerts ,CERTS⦈ certState'
∙ ⟦ txid , epoch slot , pparams , ppolicy , enactState ⟧ᵍ ⊢ govSt ⇀⦇ txgov txb ,GOV⦈ govSt'
Γ ⊢ s ⇀⦇ tx ,LEDGER⦈ ⟦ utxoSt' , govSt' , certState' ⟧ˡ

LEDGER-I : let open LState s; txb = tx .body; open TxBody txb; open LEnv Γ in
∙ isValid tx ≡ false
record { LEnv Γ } ⊢ utxoSt ⇀⦇ tx ,UTXOW⦈ utxoSt'
Γ ⊢ s ⇀⦇ tx ,LEDGER⦈ ⟦ utxoSt' , govSt , certState ⟧ˡ

pattern LEDGER-V⋯ w x y z = LEDGER-V (w , x , y , z)
pattern LEDGER-I⋯ y z = LEDGER-I (y , z)

_⊢_⇀⦇_,LEDGERS⦈_ : LEnv LState List Tx LState Type
_⊢_⇀⦇_,LEDGERS⦈_ = ReflexiveTransitiveClosure _⊢_⇀⦇_,LEDGER⦈_
75 changes: 75 additions & 0 deletions src/Ledger/Ledger/Haskell/Properties.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}

open import Ledger.Prelude
open import Ledger.Transaction
open import Ledger.Abstract

module Ledger.Ledger.Haskell.Properties
(txs : _) (open TransactionStructure txs using (Tx; TxBody; epoch; govStructure))
(abs : AbstractFunctions txs) (open AbstractFunctions abs)

open import Ledger.Ledger.Haskell txs abs
open import Ledger.Certs.Haskell govStructure
open import Ledger.Certs.Haskell.Properties govStructure
open import Ledger.Utxow txs abs
open import Ledger.Utxow.Properties txs abs
open import Ledger.Gov txs
open import Ledger.Gov.Properties txs
open import Ledger.Ledger txs abs
using (LEnv; ⟦_,_,_,_,_⟧ˡᵉ; txgov)
open import Ledger.Utxo txs abs
open import Ledger.Utxo.Properties txs abs
open import Data.Bool.Properties using (¬-not)

_ = Monad-ComputationResult

Computational-LEDGER : Computational _⊢_⇀⦇_,LEDGER⦈_ String
Computational-LEDGER = record {go}
open Computational ⦃...⦄ renaming (computeProof to comp; completeness to complete)
computeUtxow = comp {STS = _⊢_⇀⦇_,UTXOW⦈_}
computeCerts = comp {STS = _⊢_⇀⦇_,CERTS⦈_}
computeGov = comp {STS = _⊢_⇀⦇_,GOV⦈_}

module go
: LEnv) (let ⟦ slot , ppolicy , pparams , enactState , _ ⟧ˡᵉ = Γ)
(s : LState) (let ⟦ utxoSt , govSt , certSt ⟧ˡ = s)
(tx : Tx) (let open Tx tx renaming (body to txb); open TxBody txb)
utxoΓ = UTxOEnv ∋ record { LEnv Γ }
certΓ = CertEnv ∋ ⟦ epoch slot , pparams , txvote , txwdrls ⟧ᶜ
govΓ = GovEnv ∋ ⟦ txid , epoch slot , pparams , ppolicy , enactState ⟧ᵍ

computeProof : ComputationResult String (∃[ s' ] Γ ⊢ s ⇀⦇ tx ,LEDGER⦈ s')
computeProof = case isValid ≟ true of λ where
(yes p) do
(utxoSt' , utxoStep) computeUtxow utxoΓ utxoSt tx
(certSt' , certStep) computeCerts certΓ certSt txcerts
(govSt' , govStep) computeGov govΓ govSt (txgov txb)
success (_ , LEDGER-V⋯ p utxoStep certStep govStep)
(no ¬p) do
(utxoSt' , utxoStep) computeUtxow utxoΓ utxoSt tx
success (_ , LEDGER-I⋯ (¬-not ¬p) utxoStep)

completeness : s' Γ ⊢ s ⇀⦇ tx ,LEDGER⦈ s' (proj₁ <$> computeProof) ≡ success s'
completeness ⟦ utxoSt' , govSt' , certState' ⟧ˡ (LEDGER-V⋯ v utxoStep certStep govStep)
with isValid ≟ true
... | no ¬v = contradiction v ¬v
... | yes refl
with computeUtxow utxoΓ utxoSt tx | complete _ _ _ _ utxoStep
... | success (utxoSt' , _) | refl
with computeCerts certΓ certSt txcerts | complete _ _ _ _ certStep
... | success (certSt' , _) | refl
with computeGov govΓ govSt (txgov txb) | complete govΓ _ _ _ govStep
... | success (govSt' , _) | refl = refl
completeness ⟦ utxoSt' , govSt' , certState' ⟧ˡ (LEDGER-I⋯ i utxoStep)
with isValid ≟ true
... | yes refl = case i of λ ()
... | no ¬v
with computeUtxow utxoΓ utxoSt tx | complete _ _ _ _ utxoStep
... | success (utxoSt' , _) | refl = refl

Computational-LEDGERS : Computational _⊢_⇀⦇_,LEDGERS⦈_ String
Computational-LEDGERS = it
18 changes: 14 additions & 4 deletions src/Ledger/Script.lagda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -152,15 +152,25 @@ instance
(RequireTimeExpire a) → mapDec evalTEx evalTEx˘ dec
(RequireMOf m xs) → mapDec evalMOf evalMOf˘ (MOf-go? m xs)

P1ScriptStructure-TL : ⦃ Hashable Timelock ScriptHash ⦄ → P1ScriptStructure
record HashedTimelock : Type where
script : Timelock
h : ScriptHash

unquoteDecl DecEq-HashedTimelock = derive-DecEq ((quote HashedTimelock , DecEq-HashedTimelock) ∷ [])
Hashable-HashedTimelock : Hashable HashedTimelock ScriptHash
Hashable-HashedTimelock = record { hash = HashedTimelock.h }

P1ScriptStructure-TL : P1ScriptStructure
P1ScriptStructure-TL = record
{ P1Script = Timelock
; validP1Script = evalTimelock }
{ P1Script = HashedTimelock
; validP1Script = λ kh I tl → evalTimelock kh I (tl .HashedTimelock.script)

record ScriptStructure : Type₁ where
field hashRespectsUnion :
{A B Hash : Type} → Hashable A Hash → Hashable B Hash → Hashable (A ⊎ B) Hash
⦃ Hash-Timelock ⦄ : Hashable Timelock ScriptHash

p1s : P1ScriptStructure
p1s = P1ScriptStructure-TL
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Ledger/ScriptValidation.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -180,5 +180,5 @@ open Tx
evalScripts : Tx List (Script × List Data × ExUnits × CostModel) Bool
evalScripts tx [] = true
evalScripts tx ((inj₁ tl , d , eu , cm) ∷ Γ) =
¿ evalTimelock (reqSigHash (body tx)) (txvldt (body tx)) tl ¿ᵇ ∧ evalScripts tx Γ
¿ evalTimelock (reqSigHash (body tx)) (txvldt (body tx)) (tl .HashedTimelock.script) ¿ᵇ ∧ evalScripts tx Γ
evalScripts tx ((inj₂ ps , d , eu , cm) ∷ Γ) = ⟦ ps ⟧, cm , eu , d ∧ evalScripts tx Γ
20 changes: 14 additions & 6 deletions src/Ledger/hs-src/Lib.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,14 +4,18 @@ module Lib
) where

import MAlonzo.Code.Ledger.Foreign.HSTypes as X
(HSSet(..), HSMap(..), ComputationResult(..))
(HSSet(..), HSMap(..), ComputationResult(..), Rational(..))
import MAlonzo.Code.Ledger.Foreign.HSLedger.Address as X
(Credential(..), BaseAddr(..), BootstrapAddr(..), RwdAddr(..), Addr)
( Credential(..), BaseAddr(..), BootstrapAddr(..), RwdAddr(..)
, Addr, Wdrl)
import MAlonzo.Code.Ledger.Foreign.HSLedger.PParams as X
(DrepThresholds(..), PoolThresholds(..), Acnt(..), PParams(..), PParamsUpdate(..))
import MAlonzo.Code.Ledger.Foreign.HSLedger.Transaction as X
( Tag(..), Timelock(..), TxWitnesses(..), TxBody(..), Tx(..), TxId, Ix, TxIn, P1Script, P2Script
, Script, Datum, DataHash, Value, TxOut)
( Tag(..), Timelock(..), TxWitnesses(..), TxBody(..)
, Tx(..), TxId, Ix, TxIn, P1Script, P2Script, Script
, Datum, DataHash, Value, TxOut, HashedTimelock(..)
, RdmrPtr
import MAlonzo.Code.Ledger.Foreign.HSLedger.Cert as X
(certStep', certsStep')
import MAlonzo.Code.Ledger.Foreign.HSLedger.Chain as X
Expand All @@ -25,12 +29,16 @@ import MAlonzo.Code.Ledger.Foreign.HSLedger.Epoch as X
(Snapshot(..), Snapshots(..), EpochState(..), epochStep)
import MAlonzo.Code.Ledger.Foreign.HSLedger.Gov as X
( GovRole(..), Anchor(..), VDeleg(..), Vote(..), GovVote(..), GovEnv(..), GovProposal(..)
, GovActionState(..), govStep)
, GovActionState(..), govStep, Voter, GovState)
import MAlonzo.Code.Ledger.Foreign.HSLedger.Ledger as X
(LEnv(..), LState(..), ledgerStep, CertState(..), DState(..))
( LEnv(..), LState(..), ledgerStep, CertState(..), DState(..)
, GState'(..))
import MAlonzo.Code.Ledger.Foreign.HSLedger.NewEpoch as X
(NewEpochState(..), newEpochStep, HsRewardUpdate(..))
import MAlonzo.Code.Ledger.Foreign.HSLedger.Ratify as X
(StakeDistrs(..), RatifyEnv(..), RatifyState(..), ratifyStep)
import MAlonzo.Code.Ledger.Foreign.HSLedger.Utxo as X
(UTxOEnv(..), UTxOState(..), UTxO, utxoStep, utxowStep)
import MAlonzo.Code.Ledger.Foreign.HSLedger.Core as X
( Coin, ExUnits, Redeemer, AuxiliaryData, Epoch
, ScriptHash, GovActionID)
9 changes: 2 additions & 7 deletions src/ScriptVerification/LedgerImplementation.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -123,17 +123,12 @@ instance _ = SVCrypto

open import Ledger.Script it it

SVScriptStructure : ScriptStructure
SVScriptStructure = record
{ hashRespectsUnion = hashRespectsUnion
; ps = SVP2ScriptStructure }
; ps = SVP2ScriptStructure

instance Hashable-Timelock : Hashable Timelock ℕ
Hashable-Timelock = record { hash = λ x 0 }

instance Hashable-PlutusScript : Hashable Implementation.PlutusScript ℕ
Hashable-PlutusScript = record { hash = λ x proj₁ x }

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