This repository contains sql queries to migrate data from an existing iSanté server to the new iSantéPlus database that is based on the OpenMRS data model.
mysqldump -uadmin -p itech > itech.sql
mysql -uroot -p Entrer le mot de pass correctement.
create database itech; CREATE USER 'itechapp'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'XXXXXXXXXXX'; GRANT ALL ON itech.* TO 'itechapp'@'localhost'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
mysql -uroot -p itech < itech.sql
#Cloner le repertoire migration_script sur le serveur isanteplus git clone sudo chmod 777 migration-script/
#Executer la migration cd migration-script sudo sh
NB- un fichier log (migration/migrationLog.txt) est généré après l’exécution de la migration