Simpliest way to develop secure and powerful app for redpitaya.
Pita 🫓 template to scaffold and manage webapp for redpitaya. Pita allows you to code, build and implement your webapp with a robust and secure environement. It handle all your workflow, from tooling installation to testing, benching and publishing.
Pita project resides in:
pita cli | pita api | pita template |
Project are customizable, by default:
- frontend is in typescript/tsx
- backend is in rust
- fpga is in verilog
All app is builded in www/ and sended to repitaya board.
Use pita cli or tasks described in deno.jsonc
With Pita cli:
- Only once, ensure tools and workflow configuration.
pita requirements --check
- Init a new project.
pita init
- Build sources and implement it on the board.
pita run
- Check tools.
- Required: deno, rustup, vivado, ssh, scp.
- Recommanded: vscode, git.
- Clone this repositor.
- Edit .pita/project.json with your host configuration and a new valid uuid.
- Build sources.
deno task build
- Connect to your board and enable write access.
root@rp-XXXX: rw
- Optionnaly copy your ssh credentials to avoid password.
- Implement build on board.
deno task implement
- Open redpitaya app menu on your browser and test your webapp.
. ├── 🔵 backend (interface between client and redpitaya fpga/cpu) ├── 🟡 deno.jsonc (tasks) ├── 🔵 fpga (???? bitstream - fpga project structure) ├── 🔵 frontend (client-size application) │ ├── 🔴 app.tsx (app entry-point) │ ├── 🔵 components (component lib for building your own panels) │ └── 🔵 panels (control panels to monitor and pilot board IOs and state) ├── 🟡 import_map.json (js path resolution) └── 🔵 www (dist app folder) ├── 🔵 bin (temp c++ backend interface) ├── 🟡 fpga.* (fpga bitstream loading) ├── 🔴 index.html (server-side app entry point) ├── 🔵 info │ ├── 🟢 favicon.png (browser icon) │ ├── 🟢 icon.png (redpitaya menu icon) │ └── 🟡 info.json (app info, do not manually edit version and revision) └── 🔵 src (build assets, do not edit) 🔵 directory 🔴 entrypoint 🟢 assets 🟡 config
title: Client side web app structure links
flowchart TB
subgraph client [Client browser]
direction TB
api[Pita API]
subgraph panels [Panels/Workers]
direction LR
panel1[Panel example 1]
panel2[Panel example 2]
webwk1[Worker example - specific code]
api -- Readable stream --> panels
panels -- Writable stream --> api
subgraph rp [Redpitaya board]
direction TB
server[NGNIX Server]
api -- HTTP controller init request --> server
api <-- Websocket --> server
title: Server side web app structure links
flowchart TB
subgraph client [Client browser]
direction TB
api[Pita API]
subgraph rp [Redpitaya board]
direction TB
subgraph cpu [CPU]
server[NGNIX Server]
sdk[Redpitaya SDK]
subgraph workers [Workers]
wk1[Specific code - ex. Kalman]
wk2[Specific code - ex. langevin]
server -- Events --> controller
controller -- Messages --> server
controller <--> sdk
workers <-- Datas --> controller
subgraph fpga [FPGA]
firmware[Redpitaya FPGA Firmware]
custom[Custom HDL]
subgraph IOs [IOs]
leds[Led 0:7]
digital[Digital 0:16]
analog[Analog 0:7]
dac[DAC 0:1]
adc[ADC 0:1]
sdk <--> ram
IOs <--> ram
fpga <--> ram
api -- HTTP controller init request --> server
api <-- Websocket --> server
title: Example of led switch panel communication
participant Panel as Led 7 Switch Panel
participant Pita as Pita API
participant Server as NGNIX Server
participant Controller as Controller
participant Led as Led 7
Pita->>Server: HTTP request to register controller
note right of Pita: Websocket only below
Server-)Pita: Signals and Parameters
Panel->>Panel: Switch On
Panel-)Pita: Write state on led 7
Pita-)Server: Parameters for led state
Server->>Controller: Trigger parameters event
Controller->>Led: Write hight state on led 7
Read CONTRIBUTING and start a codespace or clone this repository.
Folow conventionnal commit, document your code and, use deno or rust style coventions on the corresponding directories.
Link your PR with the corresponding issue if it exists.