This webpage contains the main results from the consolidated household travel surveys of Bogota, Montevideo, Sao Paulo, Mexico City, Santiago and Buenos Aires. Within the analyses there is a general overview of the variables considered and information on the surveys geographic coverage.
Considering mobility data can be generally unfolded into trip data and individual characteristics, the first analysis focuses on the time dimension of the trips performed and the second one on individuals and the non-time related aspects of the trip (mode, distance, motives, etc).
Then the maps section combines the different modal flows with the socioeconomic data for each city along with its basic transit infrastructure. This can lead to finding socio-geographic motivations for different mode usage in Latin American Cities.
Observation: The strata background layer was compiled using the origin-destination surveys data, and may therefore not correspond to more granular, socioeconomic strata information from the respective cities. It should be understood as a proxy to the actual catastral distribution.
For questions or comments please contact Juan Pablo Bertucci