Alright folks, I was actually waiting for Vaxry to release a new Hyprland but Im guessing himself and his team are just busy squashing bugs.
Anyway, these are just minor tweaks. bug fixes, etc.
The only "major" change is a new rofi menu layout, in which, you should be able to check out the design via change logs.
Changes / Updates:
- animations: - Smoother animation
- Decoration and Animations are on different file (UserDecorAnimations.conf)
- fix cycle window when on group mode
- minor update rofi-beats
- disabled rainbow colors in inactive window. Rainbow colors only appears on active or focused window
- small addition to ENVariables.conf. Adding default editor (note: disabled by default)
- return of background opacity on kitty.conf
- added in gamemode to disable opacity
- enhanced rofi-emoji. now with extra emojis
- new rofi menu layout / design
LINK on Changelogs
fixes from issues:
- Laptop.conf mistypo fix issue #412
- Screenshot area error isse 415
- window-rules: add zen browser and missioncenter. Thanks to @JohnRTitor #413
- added New Waybar config and Style
[TOP] Everforest and [Extra] EverForest
- Thanks to @MID3EE-ARCH #417
Thanks to these beautiful people for donating / sponsoring
- Pain (Ko-Fi)
- @kurtlieber (github)