On the pages with film rankings there is often a simple system of rating a given production - from among all the ratings sent by users a certain sample is determined, from which the average is calculated. Such a system is in force, among others, on the largest Polish film portal, Filmweb. The ratings are determined by people who have already had a screening or decided to give a rating without getting acquainted with the film. The Metacritic service, on the other hand, uses the ratings of professional reviewers, but it is still the same method as the one shown above, only excluding the option of issuing notes without justification.
To sum up, the average is an indispensable element of rating films. In this project, however, a different approach will be proposed, trying to explain the evaluation of a given production not by the viewers' opinions, but by the parameters of the film. The project will focus mainly on exploratory data analysis, but it will also create models that describe the rating of the film. The data for the project uses a pre-built database of films from the Kaggle portal, which, however, has been extended with additional information by using R web scrapping.