When developing for WebGL a huge set back is the lack of a loading indicator in the project. It is hard to tell if the project is loading or is just stuck. To make things easier, The Babilin Apps. Team has search the web for a solution. We came across ocias.com where he has created a tutorial on how to improve your loading indicator. It can been seen in action here
We realized how important this loading indicator is to our projects and are happy to share it with you.
Once you download the folder navigate to your Unity folder in your program files and add it to your WebGL templates folder.
Example of Path:
C:\Program Files\Unity\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\webglsupport\BuildTools\WebGLTemplates
One you put it in your folder you will have the ability to export any Unity5 WebGL project with the custom loading indicator.
· Updates live time
· Give you an idea of how big the project is
· Tells you the steps of preparing the project
Happy WebGL development,
Babilin Applications Team
This project was taken from this site:
It may not work correctly in current versions of Unity 3D.