Monorepo of common components I use in various projects. A React-base component library built with Lerna, Storybook, and ViteJS.
Managing JavaScript projects with multiple packages. It optimizes the workflow around managing multipackage repositories with git and npm.
Build tool providing rapid hot module replacement.
An open-source tool for developing and organizing UI components in isolation, which also serves as a platform for visual testing and creating interactive documentation.
A utility-first CSS framework packed with classes that can be composed to build any design, directly in your markup.
yarn install
yarn start:<package name>
or start all
yarn sb
yarn build:<package name>
or build all
yarn build
yarn sb-build
yarn test
yarn lint
yarn format
yarn typecheck
You can create a skeleton of a package by running the template generator. This will generate a scaffolding of an NPM publish-ready component with all necessary dependencies (storybook, eslint, prettier, etc.).
$ yarn:make package
$ hygen package new
? Package name? » Button
added: packages/Package/.storybook/main.ts
added: packages/Package/.storybook/preview-head.html
added: packages/Package/.storybook/preview.ts
added: packages/Package/package.json
added: packages/Package/postcss.config.cjs
added: packages/Package/src/components/index.css
added: packages/Package/src/components/index.stories.tsx
added: packages/Package/src/components/index.ts
added: packages/Package/src/components/Package.tsx
added: packages/Package/src/index.tsx
added: packages/Package/src/vite-env.d.ts
added: packages/Package/tailwind.config.js
added: packages/Package/tsconfig.json
added: packages/Package/vite.config.ts