#Improved audio library for FiveM
Can work with API interact sound
Just make sure you take all sounds from interact
sound and move them to xsound/html/sounds
Thanks to
for awesome api
1. Functions (client side)
PlayUrl(name, URL, volume, loop, options)
Will play sound from URL (can be heard everywhere)
argument loop and options are optional, doesn't have to be used. -
PlayUrlPos(name, url, volume, Vector3 vec, loop, options)
Will play sound from url at x,y,z location
argument loop and options are optional, doesn't have to be used.
options list
- onPlayStart
- onPlayEnd
- onLoading
- onPlayPause
- onPlayResume
Position(name, Vector3 vec)
Will update location of sound -
Distance(name, newDistance)
Will set new playing distance from location -
Will destroy sound -
Will pause sound -
Will resume sound -
volume is from 0.0 to 1.0
Will set a new value to volume. Should be used for non 3D sound -
volume is from 0.0 to 1.0
will set new value to max volume. Should be used only for 3D sound -
setTimeStamp(name, time)
will set a new timestamp. -
setSoundURL(name, url)
will set new URL to sound (will play whenever changed) -
will play again the saved sound -
destroyOnFinish(name, bool)
true = destroy on end / false = do not destroy on end -
setSoundLoop(name, bool)
will set a new value to loop -
setSoundDynamic(name, bool)
will set if the sound is 3D / 3D = true
fadeOut(name, time)
fadeIn(name, time, volume)
onPlayStart(name, function)
This event will trigger after the sound
is loaded and start playing in game. -
onPlayEnd(name, function)
This event will be triggered after sound end. -
onLoading(name, function)
This event will be triggered when the sound start loading. -
onPlayPause(name, function)
This event will be triggered whenever you pause sound. -
onPlayResume(name, function)
This event will be triggered whenever you resume sound.
Will return true/false if sound exists -
Will return true/false if song is paused -
Will return true/false if song is playing -
Will return true/false if sound is looped -
Will return distance in Integer -
Will return current volume of music. -
Will return vector3 -
Will return if sound is 3D or 2D (3D = true, 2D = false) -
returns current timestamp -
returns max duration of sound -
Will return url link -
will return if player got streamer mode enabled. -
Will return array of all sound -
will return true if player is close to any sound. -
Will return an array with info of the sound...
volume, -- value from 0.0 to 1.0
url , -- sound url
id, -- id
position, -- will be nil if position isnt set.
distance, -- distance in integer
playing, -- true/false
paused, -- true/false
loop, -- true/false
isDynamic, -- true/false
timeStamp, -- returns current timestamp
maxDuration, -- returns max duration of sound
destroyOnFinish, -- default value is true means after its finish it will destroy it self
1. Functions (Server side)
PlayUrl(source, name, URL, volume, loop)
Will play sound from URL (can be heard everywhere) -
PlayUrlPos(source, name, url, volume, Vector3 vec, loop)
Will play sound from url at x,y,z location
-1 for source work as well
Position(source, name, Vector3 vec)
Will update location of sound -
Distance(source, name, newDistance)
Will set new playing distance from location -
Destroy(source, name)
Will destroy sound -
Pause(source, name)
Will pause sound -
Resume(source, name)
Will resume sound -
setVolume(source, name,volume)
volume is from 0.0 to 1.0
Will set a new value to volume. Should be used for non 3D sound -
setVolumeMax(source, name,volume)
volume is from 0.0 to 1.0
will set new value to max volume. Should be used only for 3D sound -
setTimeStamp(source ,name, time)
will set a new timestamp.
TIMESTAMP is in a seconds only !
Showcase how it can stream sound at game
Showcase what I did with my API
#These are just a showcase! I will not share them....