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4. Visualization with CoppeliaSim

Jgocunha edited this page Nov 5, 2024 · 4 revisions

How to run?

  1. Make sure you have CoppeliaSim installed.
  2. git checkout coppeliasim-integration.
  3. Open dynamic-neural-field-degeneration folder and run build.bat.
  4. The recovering-from-degeneration.exe will be located in dynamic-neural-field-degeneration\dynamic-neural-field-degeneration\build\x64-release\Release\.
  5. Open the scenario.ttt scene file in CoppeliaSim.
  6. In the experiment_parameters.json set "isVisualizationOn": true,.
  7. Press Play in CoppeliaSim before or after running the relearning-from-degeneration.exe executable to observe the robotic system performing the task.

What you should see

Watch the video