eBike is an app to manage your bike's sotre. It's built using Angular for web, Python for a service API, Microsoft SQL Server for managing a distributed data base.
Main features:
- Material design
- Easy to use administrator user friendly
- Dynamic table with filters, sort and pagination
- Authentication system for multiple roles
Admin |
Store |
Auth |
- Jose D. Acuña - Web Functionality Manager & Lead Designer - JoDaniel1412
- Crisptofer Fernandez F. - Database Administration & Definition - crisptofer12ff
- Oscar Gonzalez Alfaro - Lead Developer on Back-end and Connections - Racso08
- Esteban Zúñiga - Database Administration & Definition - Chaos1497
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
- Costa Rica Institute of Technology
This project was made with academical purposes.