This Example is based on the Electron.NET project from Gregor Biswanger and Robert Muehsig
I discripte here the inital steps for setup this project for the .NetCore 3.0 and Electron.NET 5.30.1.
Start a new Blazor project. It should be a Blazor-Server-App. By default is "Configer for HTTPS" selceted. This should be uncheckt.
To activate and communicate with the "native" (sort of native...) Electron API include the ElectronNET.API NuGet package in your ASP.NET Core app.
PM> Install-Package ElectronNET.API
You start Electron.NET up with an UseElectron
public static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args) =>
.ConfigureWebHostDefaults(webBuilder =>
Open the Electron Window in the Startup.cs file:
// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline.
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
if (env.IsDevelopment())
app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
// Open the Electron-Window here
Task.Run(async () => await Electron.WindowManager.CreateWindowAsync());
To start the application make sure you have installed the "ElectronNET.CLI" packages as global tool:
dotnet tool install ElectronNET.CLI -g
At the first time, you need an Electron.NET project initialization. Type the following command in your ASP.NET Core folder:
electronize init
- Now a electronnet.manifest.json should appear in your ASP.NET Core project
- Now run the following:
electronize start
Only the first electronize start is slow. The next will go on faster.
Start your Electron.NET application with the Electron.NET CLI command. In Visual Studio attach to your running application instance. Go in the Debug Menu and click on Attach to Process.... Sort by your projectname on the right and select it on the list.
A complete documentation will follow. Until then take a look in the source code of the sample application:
Electron.NET API Demos
In this YouTube video, we show you how you can create a new project, use the Electron.NET API, debug a application and build an executable desktop app for Windows: Electron.NET - Getting Started
Here you need the Electron.NET CLI as well. Type the following command in your ASP.NET Core folder:
electronize build /target win
There are additional platforms available:
electronize build /target win
electronize build /target osx
electronize build /target linux
Those three "default" targets will produce x64 packages for those platforms.
For certain NuGet packages or certain scenarios you may want to build a pure x86 application. To support those things you can define the desired .NET Core runtime, the electron platform and electron architecture like this:
electronize build /target custom win7-x86;win32 /electron-arch ia32
The end result should be an electron app under your /bin/desktop folder.