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Merge branch 'master' into readeach_type_stability
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inkydragon authored Dec 19, 2024
2 parents f75aaa8 + d3c26b7 commit a3ceb68
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Showing 233 changed files with 3,608 additions and 3,515 deletions.
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -278,8 +278,8 @@ Be sure to change the UUID value back before making the pull request.

The process of [creating a patch release]( is roughly as follows:

1. Create a new branch (e.g. `backports-release-1.6`) against the relevant minor release
branch (e.g. `release-1.6`). Usually a corresponding pull request is created as well.
1. Create a new branch (e.g. `backports-release-1.10`) against the relevant minor release
branch (e.g. `release-1.10`). Usually a corresponding pull request is created as well.

2. Add commits, nominally from `master` (hence "backports"), to that branch.
See below for more information on this process.
Expand All @@ -291,8 +291,8 @@ The process of [creating a patch release](
the pull request associated with the backports branch. Fix any issues.

4. Once all test and benchmark reports look good, merge the backports branch into
the corresponding release branch (e.g. merge `backports-release-1.6` into
the corresponding release branch (e.g. merge `backports-release-1.10` into

5. Open a pull request that bumps the version of the relevant minor release to the
next patch version, e.g. as in [this pull request](
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15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions Compiler/extras/CompilerDevTools/Manifest.toml
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
# This file is machine-generated - editing it directly is not advised

julia_version = "1.12.0-DEV"
manifest_format = "2.0"
project_hash = "84f495a1bf065c95f732a48af36dd0cd2cefb9d5"

path = "../.."
uuid = "807dbc54-b67e-4c79-8afb-eafe4df6f2e1"
version = "0.0.2"

path = "."
uuid = "92b2d91f-d2bd-4c05-9214-4609ac33433f"
version = "0.0.0"
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions Compiler/extras/CompilerDevTools/Project.toml
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@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
name = "CompilerDevTools"
uuid = "92b2d91f-d2bd-4c05-9214-4609ac33433f"

Compiler = "807dbc54-b67e-4c79-8afb-eafe4df6f2e1"
48 changes: 48 additions & 0 deletions Compiler/extras/CompilerDevTools/src/CompilerDevTools.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
module CompilerDevTools

using Compiler
using Core.IR

struct SplitCacheOwner; end
struct SplitCacheInterp <: Compiler.AbstractInterpreter
function SplitCacheInterp(;
world::UInt = Base.get_world_counter(),
inf_params::Compiler.InferenceParams = Compiler.InferenceParams(),
opt_params::Compiler.OptimizationParams = Compiler.OptimizationParams(),
inf_cache::Vector{Compiler.InferenceResult} = Compiler.InferenceResult[])
new(world, inf_params, opt_params, inf_cache)

Compiler.InferenceParams(interp::SplitCacheInterp) = interp.inf_params
Compiler.OptimizationParams(interp::SplitCacheInterp) = interp.opt_params
Compiler.get_inference_world(interp::SplitCacheInterp) =
Compiler.get_inference_cache(interp::SplitCacheInterp) = interp.inf_cache
Compiler.cache_owner(::SplitCacheInterp) = SplitCacheOwner()

import Core.OptimizedGenerics.CompilerPlugins: typeinf, typeinf_edge
@eval @noinline typeinf(::SplitCacheOwner, mi::MethodInstance, source_mode::UInt8) =
Base.invoke_in_world(which(typeinf, Tuple{SplitCacheOwner, MethodInstance, UInt8}).primary_world, Compiler.typeinf_ext, SplitCacheInterp(; world=Base.tls_world_age()), mi, source_mode)

@eval @noinline function typeinf_edge(::SplitCacheOwner, mi::MethodInstance, parent_frame::Compiler.InferenceState, world::UInt, source_mode::UInt8)
# TODO: This isn't quite right, we're just sketching things for now
interp = SplitCacheInterp(; world)
Compiler.typeinf_edge(interp, mi.def, mi.specTypes, Core.svec(), parent_frame, false, false)

function with_new_compiler(f, args...)
mi = @ccall jl_method_lookup(Any[f, args...]::Ptr{Any}, (1+length(args))::Csize_t, Base.tls_world_age()::Csize_t)::Ref{Core.MethodInstance}
world = Base.tls_world_age()
new_compiler_ci = Core.OptimizedGenerics.CompilerPlugins.typeinf(
SplitCacheOwner(), mi, Compiler.SOURCE_MODE_ABI
invoke(f, new_compiler_ci, args...)

export with_new_compiler

70 changes: 42 additions & 28 deletions Compiler/src/Compiler.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -41,36 +41,36 @@ ccall(:jl_set_module_uuid, Cvoid, (Any, NTuple{2, UInt64}), Compiler,

using Core.Intrinsics, Core.IR

import Core: print, println, show, write, unsafe_write,
_apply_iterate, svec, apply_type, Builtin, IntrinsicFunction,
MethodInstance, CodeInstance, MethodTable, MethodMatch, PartialOpaque,
TypeofVararg, Core, SimpleVector, donotdelete, compilerbarrier,
memoryref_isassigned, memoryrefnew, memoryrefoffset, memoryrefget,
memoryrefset!, typename
using Core: Builtin, CodeInstance, IntrinsicFunction, MethodInstance, MethodMatch,
MethodTable, PartialOpaque, SimpleVector, TypeofVararg,
_apply_iterate, apply_type, compilerbarrier, donotdelete, memoryref_isassigned,
memoryrefget, memoryrefnew, memoryrefoffset, memoryrefset!, print, println, show, svec,
typename, unsafe_write, write

using Base
using Base: Ordering, vect, EffectsOverride, BitVector, @_gc_preserve_begin, @_gc_preserve_end, RefValue,
@nospecializeinfer, @_foldable_meta, fieldindex, is_function_def, indexed_iterate, isexpr, methods,
get_world_counter, JLOptions, _methods_by_ftype, unwrap_unionall, cconvert, unsafe_convert,
issingletontype, isType, rewrap_unionall, has_free_typevars, isvarargtype, hasgenerator,
IteratorSize, SizeUnknown, _array_for, Bottom, generating_output, diff_names,
ismutationfree, NUM_EFFECTS_OVERRIDES, _NAMEDTUPLE_NAME, datatype_fieldtypes,
argument_datatype, isfieldatomic, unwrapva, iskindtype, _bits_findnext, copy_exprargs,
Generator, Filter, ismutabletypename, isvatuple, datatype_fieldcount,
isconcretedispatch, isdispatchelem, datatype_layoutsize,
datatype_arrayelem, unionlen, isidentityfree, _uniontypes, uniontypes, OneTo, Callable,
DataTypeFieldDesc, datatype_nfields, datatype_pointerfree, midpoint, is_valid_intrinsic_elptr,
allocatedinline, isbitsunion, widen_diagonal, unconstrain_vararg_length,
rename_unionall, may_invoke_generator, is_meta_expr_head, is_meta_expr, quoted,
specialize_method, hasintersect, is_nospecializeinfer, is_nospecialized,
get_nospecializeinfer_sig, tls_world_age, uniontype_layout, kwerr,
moduleroot, is_file_tracked, decode_effects_override, lookup_binding_partition,
is_some_imported, binding_kind, is_some_guard, is_some_const_binding, partition_restriction,
using Base: @_foldable_meta, @_gc_preserve_begin, @_gc_preserve_end, @nospecializeinfer,
BINDING_KIND_GLOBAL, Base, BitVector, Bottom, Callable, DataTypeFieldDesc,
EffectsOverride, Filter, Generator, IteratorSize, JLOptions, NUM_EFFECTS_OVERRIDES,
OneTo, Ordering, RefValue, SizeUnknown, _NAMEDTUPLE_NAME,
_array_for, _bits_findnext, _methods_by_ftype, _uniontypes, all, allocatedinline, any,
argument_datatype, binding_kind, cconvert, copy_exprargs, datatype_arrayelem,
datatype_fieldcount, datatype_fieldtypes, datatype_layoutsize, datatype_nfields,
datatype_pointerfree, decode_effects_override, diff_names, fieldindex,
generating_output, get_nospecializeinfer_sig, get_world_counter, has_free_typevars,
hasgenerator, hasintersect, indexed_iterate, isType, is_file_tracked, is_function_def,
is_meta_expr, is_meta_expr_head, is_nospecialized, is_nospecializeinfer,
is_some_const_binding, is_some_guard, is_some_imported, is_valid_intrinsic_elptr,
isbitsunion, isconcretedispatch, isdispatchelem, isexpr, isfieldatomic, isidentityfree,
iskindtype, ismutabletypename, ismutationfree, issingletontype, isvarargtype, isvatuple,
kwerr, lookup_binding_partition, may_invoke_generator, methods, midpoint, moduleroot,
partition_restriction, quoted, rename_unionall, rewrap_unionall, specialize_method,
structdiff, tls_world_age, unconstrain_vararg_length, unionlen, uniontype_layout,
uniontypes, unsafe_convert, unwrap_unionall, unwrapva, vect, widen_diagonal
using Base.Order
import Base: getindex, setindex!, length, iterate, push!, isempty, first, convert, ==,
copy, popfirst!, in, haskey, resize!, copy!, append!, last, get!, size,
get, iterate, findall, min_world, max_world, _topmod, isready

import Base: ==, _topmod, append!, convert, copy, copy!, findall, first, get, get!,
getindex, haskey, in, isempty, isready, iterate, iterate, last, length, max_world,
min_world, popfirst!, push!, resize!, setindex!, size

const getproperty = Core.getfield
const setproperty! = Core.setfield!
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -181,12 +181,26 @@ include("bootstrap.jl")

macro __SOURCE_FILE__()
__source__.file === nothing && return nothing
return QuoteNode(__source__.file::Symbol)

module IRShow end
function load_irshow!()
if isdefined(Base, :end_base_include)
# This code path is exclusively for Revise, which may want to re-run this
# after bootstrap.
include(IRShow, Base.joinpath(Base.dirname(Base.String(@__SOURCE_FILE__)), "ssair/show.jl"))
include(IRShow, "ssair/show.jl")
if !isdefined(Base, :end_base_include)
# During bootstrap, skip including this file and defer it to base/show.jl to include later
# When this module is loaded as the standard library, include this file as usual
include(IRShow, "ssair/show.jl")

end # baremodule Compiler
Expand Down
119 changes: 82 additions & 37 deletions Compiler/src/abstractinterpretation.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -856,8 +856,7 @@ end

struct InvokeCall
types # ::Type
lookupsig # ::Type
InvokeCall(@nospecialize(types), @nospecialize(lookupsig)) = new(types, lookupsig)
InvokeCall(@nospecialize(types)) = new(types)

struct ConstCallResult
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2218,34 +2217,77 @@ function abstract_invoke(interp::AbstractInterpreter, arginfo::ArgInfo, si::Stmt
ft′ = argtype_by_index(argtypes, 2)
ft = widenconst(ft′)
ft === Bottom && return Future(CallMeta(Bottom, Any, EFFECTS_THROWS, NoCallInfo()))
(types, isexact, isconcrete, istype) = instanceof_tfunc(argtype_by_index(argtypes, 3), false)
isexact || return Future(CallMeta(Any, Any, Effects(), NoCallInfo()))
unwrapped = unwrap_unionall(types)
types === Bottom && return Future(CallMeta(Bottom, Any, EFFECTS_THROWS, NoCallInfo()))
if !(unwrapped isa DataType && ===
return Future(CallMeta(Bottom, TypeError, EFFECTS_THROWS, NoCallInfo()))
argtype = argtypes_to_type(argtype_tail(argtypes, 4))
nargtype = typeintersect(types, argtype)
nargtype === Bottom && return Future(CallMeta(Bottom, TypeError, EFFECTS_THROWS, NoCallInfo()))
nargtype isa DataType || return Future(CallMeta(Any, Any, Effects(), NoCallInfo())) # other cases are not implemented below
isdispatchelem(ft) || return Future(CallMeta(Any, Any, Effects(), NoCallInfo())) # check that we might not have a subtype of `ft` at runtime, before doing supertype lookup below
ft = ft::DataType
lookupsig = rewrap_unionall(Tuple{ft, unwrapped.parameters...}, types)::Type
nargtype = Tuple{ft, nargtype.parameters...}
argtype = Tuple{ft, argtype.parameters...}
matched, valid_worlds = findsup(lookupsig, method_table(interp))
matched === nothing && return Future(CallMeta(Any, Any, Effects(), NoCallInfo()))
update_valid_age!(sv, valid_worlds)
method = matched.method
types = argtype_by_index(argtypes, 3)
if types isa Const && types.val isa Union{Method, CodeInstance}
method_or_ci = types.val
if isa(method_or_ci, CodeInstance)
our_world =
argtype = argtypes_to_type(pushfirst!(argtype_tail(argtypes, 4), ft))
specsig = method_or_ci.def.specTypes
defdef = method_or_ci.def.def
exct = method_or_ci.exctype
if !hasintersect(argtype, specsig)
return Future(CallMeta(Bottom, TypeError, EFFECTS_THROWS, NoCallInfo()))
elseif !(argtype <: specsig) || (isa(defdef, Method) && !(argtype <: defdef.sig))
exct = Union{exct, TypeError}
callee_valid_range = WorldRange(method_or_ci.min_world, method_or_ci.max_world)
if !(our_world in callee_valid_range)
if our_world < first(callee_valid_range)
update_valid_age!(sv, WorldRange(first(, first(callee_valid_range)-1))
update_valid_age!(sv, WorldRange(last(callee_valid_range)+1, last(
return Future(CallMeta(Bottom, ErrorException, EFFECTS_THROWS, NoCallInfo()))
# TODO: When we add curing, we may want to assume this is nothrow
if (method_or_ci.owner === Nothing && method_ir_ci.def.def isa Method)
exct = Union{exct, ErrorException}
update_valid_age!(sv, callee_valid_range)
return Future(CallMeta(method_or_ci.rettype, exct, Effects(decode_effects(method_or_ci.ipo_purity_bits), nothrow=(exct===Bottom)),
method = method_or_ci::Method
types = method # argument value
lookupsig = method.sig # edge kind
argtype = argtypes_to_type(pushfirst!(argtype_tail(argtypes, 4), ft))
nargtype = typeintersect(lookupsig, argtype)
nargtype === Bottom && return Future(CallMeta(Bottom, TypeError, EFFECTS_THROWS, NoCallInfo()))
nargtype isa DataType || return Future(CallMeta(Any, Any, Effects(), NoCallInfo())) # other cases are not implemented below
# Fall through to generic invoke handling
hasintersect(widenconst(types), Union{Method, CodeInstance}) && return Future(CallMeta(Any, Any, Effects(), NoCallInfo()))
(types, isexact, isconcrete, istype) = instanceof_tfunc(argtype_by_index(argtypes, 3), false)
isexact || return Future(CallMeta(Any, Any, Effects(), NoCallInfo()))
unwrapped = unwrap_unionall(types)
types === Bottom && return Future(CallMeta(Bottom, Any, EFFECTS_THROWS, NoCallInfo()))
if !(unwrapped isa DataType && ===
return Future(CallMeta(Bottom, TypeError, EFFECTS_THROWS, NoCallInfo()))
argtype = argtypes_to_type(argtype_tail(argtypes, 4))
nargtype = typeintersect(types, argtype)
nargtype === Bottom && return Future(CallMeta(Bottom, TypeError, EFFECTS_THROWS, NoCallInfo()))
nargtype isa DataType || return Future(CallMeta(Any, Any, Effects(), NoCallInfo())) # other cases are not implemented below
isdispatchelem(ft) || return Future(CallMeta(Any, Any, Effects(), NoCallInfo())) # check that we might not have a subtype of `ft` at runtime, before doing supertype lookup below
ft = ft::DataType
lookupsig = rewrap_unionall(Tuple{ft, unwrapped.parameters...}, types)::Type
nargtype = Tuple{ft, nargtype.parameters...}
argtype = Tuple{ft, argtype.parameters...}
matched, valid_worlds = findsup(lookupsig, method_table(interp))
matched === nothing && return Future(CallMeta(Any, Any, Effects(), NoCallInfo()))
update_valid_age!(sv, valid_worlds)
method = matched.method
tienv = ccall(:jl_type_intersection_with_env, Any, (Any, Any), nargtype, method.sig)::SimpleVector
ti = tienv[1]
env = tienv[2]::SimpleVector
mresult = abstract_call_method(interp, method, ti, env, false, si, sv)::Future
match = MethodMatch(ti, env, method, argtype <: method.sig)
ft′_box = Core.Box(ft′)
lookupsig_box = Core.Box(lookupsig)
invokecall = InvokeCall(types, lookupsig)
invokecall = InvokeCall(types)
return Future{CallMeta}(mresult, interp, sv) do result, interp, sv
(; rt, exct, effects, edge, volatile_inf_result) = result
local ft′ = ft′_box.contents
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2614,7 +2656,7 @@ function abstract_call_known(interp::AbstractInterpreter, @nospecialize(f),
if sv isa InferenceState && f === typeassert
# perform very limited back-propagation of invariants after this type assertion
if rt !== Bottom && isa(fargs, Vector{Any})
farg2 = fargs[2]
farg2 = ssa_def_slot(fargs[2], sv)
if farg2 isa SlotNumber
refinements = SlotRefinement(farg2, rt)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2852,20 +2894,21 @@ end

function abstract_eval_cfunction(interp::AbstractInterpreter, e::Expr, sstate::StatementState, sv::AbsIntState)
f = abstract_eval_value(interp, e.args[2], sstate, sv)
# rt = sp_type_rewrap(e.args[3], sv.linfo, true)
# rt = sp_type_rewrap(e.args[3], sv.linfo, true) # verify that the result type make sense?
# rt === Bottom && return RTEffects(Union{}, Any, EFFECTS_UNKNOWN)
atv = e.args[4]::SimpleVector
at = Vector{Any}(undef, length(atv) + 1)
at[1] = f
for i = 1:length(atv)
at[i + 1] = sp_type_rewrap(at[i], frame_instance(sv), false)
at[i + 1] === Bottom && return
atᵢ = at[i + 1] = sp_type_rewrap(atv[i], frame_instance(sv), false)
atᵢ === Bottom && return RTEffects(Union{}, Any, EFFECTS_UNKNOWN)
# this may be the wrong world for the call,
# but some of the result is likely to be valid anyways
# and that may help generate better codegen
abstract_call(interp, ArgInfo(nothing, at), StmtInfo(false, false), sv)::Future
rt = e.args[1]
isa(rt, Type) || (rt = Any)
isconcretetype(rt) || (rt = Any)
return RTEffects(rt, Any, EFFECTS_UNKNOWN)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3198,8 +3241,16 @@ function abstract_eval_throw_undef_if_not(interp::AbstractInterpreter, e::Expr,

function abstract_eval_the_exception(::AbstractInterpreter, sv::InferenceState)
(;handlers, handler_at) = sv.handler_info::HandlerInfo
return the_exception_info(handlers[handler_at[sv.currpc][2]].exct)
(;handler_info) = sv
if handler_info === nothing
return the_exception_info(Any)
(;handlers, handler_at) = handler_info
handler_id = handler_at[sv.currpc][2]
if handler_id === 0
return the_exception_info(Any)
return the_exception_info(handlers[handler_id].exct)
abstract_eval_the_exception(::AbstractInterpreter, ::IRInterpretationState) = the_exception_info(Any)
the_exception_info(@nospecialize t) = RTEffects(t, Union{}, Effects(EFFECTS_TOTAL; consistent=ALWAYS_FALSE))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4009,13 +4060,7 @@ function typeinf_local(interp::AbstractInterpreter, frame::InferenceState, nextr
effects === nothing || merge_override_effects!(interp, effects, frame)
if lhs !== nothing && rt !== Bottom
if isa(lhs, SlotNumber)
changes = StateUpdate(lhs, VarState(rt, false))
elseif isa(lhs, GlobalRef)
handle_global_assignment!(interp, frame, currsaw_latestworld, lhs, rt)
merge_effects!(interp, frame, EFFECTS_UNKNOWN)
changes = StateUpdate(lhs::SlotNumber, VarState(rt, false))
if !has_curr_ssaflag(frame, IR_FLAG_NOTHROW)
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Compiler/src/abstractlattice.jl
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if isa(t, Const)
# don't consider mutable values useful constants
val = t.val
return isa(val, Symbol) || isa(val, Type) || !ismutable(val)
return isa(val, Symbol) || isa(val, Type) || isa(val, Method) || isa(val, CodeInstance) || !ismutable(val)
isa(t, PartialTypeVar) && return false # this isn't forwardable
return is_const_prop_profitable_arg(widenlattice(𝕃), t)
Expand Down

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