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EA: use embedded CodeInstance directly for escape cache lookup
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`Expr(:invoke)` now directly embeds `CodeInstance`, so `EscapeAnalysis`
should also directly look it up when utilizing the cache. Similarly, the
cache lookup mechanism in `EscapeAnalyzer` within EAUtils.jl has been
updated. This update revealed a logic error in the previous
`EscapeAnalyzer` implementation, resulting in one test being marked as
`@test_broken`. A new test case addressing this logic error has also
been added.
  • Loading branch information
aviatesk committed Dec 18, 2024
1 parent 796d823 commit ba68271
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Showing 4 changed files with 73 additions and 60 deletions.
8 changes: 5 additions & 3 deletions Compiler/src/optimize.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -647,9 +647,11 @@ struct GetNativeEscapeCache{CodeCache}
GetNativeEscapeCache(code_cache::CodeCache) where CodeCache = new{CodeCache}(code_cache)
GetNativeEscapeCache(interp::AbstractInterpreter) = GetNativeEscapeCache(code_cache(interp))
function ((; code_cache)::GetNativeEscapeCache)(mi::MethodInstance)
codeinst = get(code_cache, mi, nothing)
codeinst isa CodeInstance || return false
function ((; code_cache)::GetNativeEscapeCache)(codeinst::Union{CodeInstance,MethodInstance})
if codeinst isa MethodInstance
codeinst = get(code_cache, codeinst, nothing)
codeinst isa CodeInstance || return false
argescapes = traverse_analysis_results(codeinst) do @nospecialize result
return result isa EscapeAnalysis.ArgEscapeCache ? result : nothing
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10 changes: 6 additions & 4 deletions Compiler/src/ssair/EscapeAnalysis.jl
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Expand Up @@ -944,14 +944,16 @@ end

# escape statically-resolved call, i.e. `Expr(:invoke, ::MethodInstance, ...)`
function escape_invoke!(astate::AnalysisState, pc::Int, args::Vector{Any})
mi = first(args)
if !(mi isa MethodInstance)
mi = (mi::CodeInstance).def # COMBAK get escape info directly from CI instead?
codeinst = first(args)
if codeinst isa MethodInstance
mi = codeinst
mi = (codeinst::CodeInstance).def
first_idx, last_idx = 2, length(args)
add_liveness_changes!(astate, pc, args, first_idx, last_idx)
# TODO inspect `[pc][:info]` and use const-prop'ed `InferenceResult` if available
cache = astate.get_escape_cache(mi)
cache = astate.get_escape_cache(codeinst)
ret = SSAValue(pc)
if cache isa Bool
if cache
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103 changes: 51 additions & 52 deletions Compiler/test/EAUtils.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,28 +14,14 @@ import .Compiler:
AbstractInterpreter, NativeInterpreter, WorldView, WorldRange, InferenceParams,
OptimizationParams, get_world_counter, get_inference_cache, ipo_dataflow_analysis!
# usings
using Core:
CodeInstance, MethodInstance, CodeInfo
using .Compiler:
InferenceResult, InferenceState, OptimizationState, IRCode
using Core.IR
using .Compiler: InferenceResult, InferenceState, OptimizationState, IRCode
using .EA: analyze_escapes, ArgEscapeCache, ArgEscapeInfo, EscapeInfo, EscapeState

struct EAToken end

# when working outside of CC,
# cache entire escape state for later inspection and debugging
struct EscapeCacheInfo
state::EscapeState # preserved just for debugging purpose
ir::IRCode # preserved just for debugging purpose
struct EscapeAnalyzerCacheToken

struct EscapeCache
cache::IdDict{MethodInstance,EscapeCacheInfo} # TODO(aviatesk) Should this be CodeInstance to EscapeCacheInfo?
EscapeCache() = EscapeCache(IdDict{MethodInstance,EscapeCacheInfo}())
const GLOBAL_ESCAPE_CACHE = EscapeCache()

struct EscapeResultForEntry
Expand All @@ -47,78 +33,78 @@ mutable struct EscapeAnalyzer <: AbstractInterpreter
const inf_params::InferenceParams
const opt_params::OptimizationParams
const inf_cache::Vector{InferenceResult}
const escape_cache::EscapeCache
const token::EscapeAnalyzerCacheToken
const entry_mi::Union{Nothing,MethodInstance}
function EscapeAnalyzer(world::UInt, escape_cache::EscapeCache;
function EscapeAnalyzer(world::UInt, token::EscapeAnalyzerCacheToken;
inf_params = InferenceParams()
opt_params = OptimizationParams()
inf_cache = InferenceResult[]
return new(world, inf_params, opt_params, inf_cache, escape_cache, entry_mi)
return new(world, inf_params, opt_params, inf_cache, token, entry_mi)
function EscapeAnalyzer(world::UInt, token_symbol::Symbol;
return EscapeAnalyzer(world, EscapeAnalyzerCacheToken(token_symbol); entry_mi)

Compiler.InferenceParams(interp::EscapeAnalyzer) = interp.inf_params
Compiler.OptimizationParams(interp::EscapeAnalyzer) = interp.opt_params
Compiler.get_inference_world(interp::EscapeAnalyzer) =
Compiler.get_inference_cache(interp::EscapeAnalyzer) = interp.inf_cache
Compiler.cache_owner(::EscapeAnalyzer) = EAToken()
Compiler.get_escape_cache(interp::EscapeAnalyzer) = GetEscapeCache(interp)
Compiler.cache_owner(interp::EscapeAnalyzer) = interp.token
Compiler.get_escape_cache(::EscapeAnalyzer) = GetEscapeCache()

function Compiler.ipo_dataflow_analysis!(interp::EscapeAnalyzer, opt::OptimizationState,
ir::IRCode, caller::InferenceResult)
ir::IRCode, caller::InferenceResult)
# run EA on all frames that have been optimized
nargs = Int(opt.src.nargs)
𝕃ₒ = Compiler.optimizer_lattice(interp)
get_escape_cache = GetEscapeCache(interp)
estate = try
analyze_escapes(ir, nargs, 𝕃ₒ, get_escape_cache)
analyze_escapes(ir, nargs, 𝕃ₒ, GetEscapeCache())
catch err
@error "error happened within EA, inspect `Main.failedanalysis`"
failedanalysis = FailedAnalysis(caller, ir, nargs, get_escape_cache)
failedanalysis = FailedAnalysis(caller, ir, nargs)
Core.eval(Main, :(failedanalysis = $failedanalysis))
if caller.linfo === interp.entry_mi
# return back the result
interp.result = EscapeResultForEntry(Compiler.copy(ir), estate, caller.linfo)
record_escapes!(interp, caller, estate, ir)
record_escapes!(caller, estate, ir)

@invoke Compiler.ipo_dataflow_analysis!(interp::AbstractInterpreter, opt::OptimizationState,
ir::IRCode, caller::InferenceResult)
ir::IRCode, caller::InferenceResult)

function record_escapes!(interp::EscapeAnalyzer,
caller::InferenceResult, estate::EscapeState, ir::IRCode)
# cache entire escape state for inspection and debugging
struct EscapeCacheInfo
state::EscapeState # preserved just for debugging purpose
ir::IRCode # preserved just for debugging purpose

function record_escapes!(caller::InferenceResult, estate::EscapeState, ir::IRCode)
argescapes = ArgEscapeCache(estate)
ecacheinfo = EscapeCacheInfo(argescapes, estate, ir)
return Compiler.stack_analysis_result!(caller, ecacheinfo)

struct GetEscapeCache
GetEscapeCache(interp::EscapeAnalyzer) = new(interp.escape_cache)
function ((; escape_cache)::GetEscapeCache)(mi::MethodInstance)
ecacheinfo = get(escape_cache.cache, mi, nothing)
struct GetEscapeCache end
function (::GetEscapeCache)(codeinst::Union{CodeInstance,MethodInstance})
codeinst isa CodeInstance || return false
ecacheinfo = Compiler.traverse_analysis_results(codeinst) do @nospecialize result
return result isa EscapeCacheInfo ? result : nothing
return ecacheinfo === nothing ? false : ecacheinfo.argescapes

struct FailedAnalysis

function Compiler.finish!(interp::EscapeAnalyzer, state::InferenceState; can_discard_trees::Bool=Compiler.may_discard_trees(interp))
ecacheinfo = Compiler.traverse_analysis_results(state.result) do @nospecialize result
return result isa EscapeCacheInfo ? result : nothing
ecacheinfo isa EscapeCacheInfo && (interp.escape_cache.cache[state.linfo] = ecacheinfo)
return @invoke Compiler.finish!(interp::AbstractInterpreter, state::InferenceState; can_discard_trees)

# printing
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -313,23 +299,29 @@ while caching the analysis results.
- `world::UInt = Base.get_world_counter()`:
controls the world age to use when looking up methods, use current world age if not specified.
- `interp::EscapeAnalyzer = EscapeAnalyzer(world)`:
specifies the escape analyzer to use, by default a new analyzer with the global cache is created.
- `token_symbol::Symbol = gensym(:EA)`:
specifies the cache token symbol to use, by default a new symbol is generated to ensure
that `code_escapes` uses a fresh cache and performs a new analysis on each invocation.
If you with to perform analysis with the global cache enabled, specify a particular symbol.
- `interp::EscapeAnalyzer = EscapeAnalyzer(world, token_symbol)`:
specifies the escape analyzer to use.
- `debuginfo::Symbol = :none`:
controls the amount of code metadata present in the output, possible options are `:none` or `:source`.
function code_escapes(@nospecialize(f), @nospecialize(types=Base.default_tt(f));
world::UInt = get_world_counter(),
token_symbol::Symbol = gensym(:EA),
debuginfo::Symbol = :none)
tt = Base.signature_type(f, types)
match = Base._which(tt; world, raise=true)
mi = Compiler.specialize_method(match)
return code_escapes(mi; world, debuginfo)
return code_escapes(mi; world, token_symbol, debuginfo)

function code_escapes(mi::MethodInstance;
world::UInt = get_world_counter(),
interp::EscapeAnalyzer=EscapeAnalyzer(world, GLOBAL_ESCAPE_CACHE; entry_mi=mi),
token_symbol::Symbol = gensym(:EA),
interp::EscapeAnalyzer=EscapeAnalyzer(world, token_symbol; entry_mi=mi),
debuginfo::Symbol = :none)
frame = Compiler.typeinf_frame(interp, mi, #=run_optimizer=#true)
isdefined(interp, :result) || error("optimization didn't happen: maybe everything has been constant folded?")
Expand All @@ -351,12 +343,19 @@ Note that this version does not cache the analysis results.
- `world::UInt = Base.get_world_counter()`:
controls the world age to use when looking up methods, use current world age if not specified.
- `interp::AbstractInterpreter = EscapeAnalyzer(world, EscapeCache())`:
- `token_symbol::Symbol = gensym(:EA)`:
specifies the cache token symbol to use, by default a new symbol is generated to ensure
that `code_escapes` uses a fresh cache and performs a new analysis on each invocation.
If you with to perform analysis with the global cache enabled, specify a particular symbol.
- `interp::EscapeAnalyzer = EscapeAnalyzer(world, token_symbol)`:
specifies the escape analyzer to use.
- `interp::AbstractInterpreter = EscapeAnalyzer(world, EscapeAnalyzerCacheToken(gensym(:EA)))`:
specifies the abstract interpreter to use, by default a new `EscapeAnalyzer` with an empty cache is created.
function code_escapes(ir::IRCode, nargs::Int;
world::UInt = get_world_counter(),
interp::AbstractInterpreter=EscapeAnalyzer(world, EscapeCache()))
token_symbol::Symbol = gensym(:EA),
interp::AbstractInterpreter=EscapeAnalyzer(world, token_symbol))
estate = analyze_escapes(ir, nargs, Compiler.optimizer_lattice(interp), Compiler.get_escape_cache(interp))
return EscapeResult(ir, estate) # return back the result
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12 changes: 11 additions & 1 deletion Compiler/test/EscapeAnalysis.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1527,7 +1527,17 @@ let result = code_escapes() do
i = last(findall(isnew,
@test_broken !has_return_escape(result.state[SSAValue(i)]) # TODO interprocedural alias analysis
@test !has_thrown_escape(result.state[SSAValue(i)])
@test_broken !has_thrown_escape(result.state[SSAValue(i)]) # IDEA embed const-prop'ed `CodeInstance` for `:invoke`?
let result = code_escapes((Base.RefValue{Base.RefValue{String}},)) do x
out1 = broadcast_noescape2(Ref(Ref("Hi")))
out2 = broadcast_noescape2(x)
return out1, out2
i = last(findall(isnew,
@test_broken !has_return_escape(result.state[SSAValue(i)]) # TODO interprocedural alias analysis
@test_broken !has_thrown_escape(result.state[SSAValue(i)]) # IDEA embed const-prop'ed `CodeInstance` for `:invoke`?
@test has_thrown_escape(result.state[Argument(2)])
@noinline allescape_argument(a) = (global GV = a) # obvious escape
let result = code_escapes() do
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