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JuliaMolSim committed Aug 28, 2024
1 parent f1db6d6 commit fecdf68
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Showing 7 changed files with 95 additions and 62 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ StaticArrays = "90137ffa-7385-5640-81b9-e52037218182"
Unitful = "1986cc42-f94f-5a68-af5c-568840ba703d"

AtomsBase = "0.3.5"
AtomsBase = "0.3.5, 0.4"
JSON = "0.21.4"
LinearAlgebra = "1.9.0, 1.10.0"
Random = "1.9.0, 1.10.0"
Expand All @@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ Unitful = "1.19"
julia = "1.9.0, 1.10.0"

JuLIP = "945c410c-986d-556a-acb1-167a618e0462"
# JuLIP = "945c410c-986d-556a-acb1-167a618e0462"
Test = "8dfed614-e22c-5e08-85e1-65c5234f0b40"

test = ["Test", "JuLIP"]
test = ["Test", ]
35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions data/generate_testdata.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@

# this requires to be run in an environment that has JuLIP and JSON
# installed.
using JuLIP, JSON

make_dict(sym, cubic, pbc, nn, at) =
Dict("sym" => sym, "cubic" => cubic, "pbc" => pbc, "nn" => nn,
"sys" => write_dict(at))

test_systems = []

for sym in [:Si, :Ge, :W, :Ti]
at = bulk(sym)
push!(test_systems, make_dict(sym, false, true, 1, at))

at = bulk(sym, cubic=true)
push!(test_systems, make_dict(sym, true, true, 1, at))

for ntest = 1:30
sym = rand([:Si, :Ge, :W, :Ti])
cubic = rand(Bool)
pbc = tuple(rand(Bool, 3)...)
nn = (rand(1:3), rand(2:4), 2)

at = bulk(sym, cubic=cubic, pbc = pbc) * nn
push!(test_systems, make_dict(sym, cubic, pbc, nn, at))

open(@__DIR__() * "/test_systems.json", "w") do f
JSON.print(f, test_systems)

# read the file back
# test_systems2 = JSON.parsefile("test_systems.json")
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions data/test_systems.json

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/bulk.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ end

_convert_pbc(pbc::NTuple{3, Bool}) = pbc
_convert_pbc(pbc::Bool) = (pbc, pbc, pbc)
_convert_pbc(pbc::AbstractVector) = tuple(pbc...)

`bulk(sym)` : generates a `FlexibleSystem` unit cell for a bulk
Expand Down
39 changes: 20 additions & 19 deletions src/utils.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@

using AtomsBase
using AtomsBase: Atom, FlexibleSystem, Periodic
using AtomsBase: Atom, FlexibleSystem
using Unitful: unit, ustrip, Quantity
using LinearAlgebra: norm

export rattle!,

Helper function to convert construct a FlexibleSystem from
Expand All @@ -17,29 +17,29 @@ function _flexible_system(positions, elements, cell, pbc)
Nat = length(positions)
syms = Chemistry.chemical_symbol.(elements)
atoms = [ Atom(syms[i], positions[i]) for i in 1:Nat ]
bc = [ (pbc[i] ? Periodic() : nothing) for i = 1:3 ]
bb = [cell[i, :] for i = 1:3] # IS THIS A BUG? SHOULD IT BE cell[:, i] ???
bc = pbc isa Bool ? (pbc, pbc, pbc) : tuple(pbc...)
bb = tuple([cell[i, :] for i = 1:3]...)
return FlexibleSystem(atoms;
bounding_box = bb,
boundary_conditions = bc)
periodicity = bc)

_set_position(x::Atom, 𝐫) = Atom(atomic_number(x), 𝐫;
velocity = x.velocity,
atomic_mass = x.atomic_mass)
velocity = velocity(x),
mass = mass(x))

_set_element(x::Atom, Z) = Atom(Z, position(x);
velocity = x.velocity,
atomic_mass = x.atomic_mass)
velocity = velocity(x),
mass = mass(x))

function set_positions(at::FlexibleSystem,
X::AbstractVector{SVector{3, T}}) where {T}
@assert length(X) == length(at)
particles = [ _set_position(at.particles[i], X[i])
for i in 1:length(at) ]
return FlexibleSystem(particles,
bounding_box = bounding_box(at),
periodicity = periodicity(at))

Expand All @@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ function set_elements(at::FlexibleSystem, Z::AbstractVector)
particles = [ Atom(Z[i], position(x), velocity(x))
for (i, x) in enumerate(at.particles) ]
return FlexibleSystem(particles,
bounding_box = bounding_box(at),
periodicity = periodicity(at))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -84,8 +84,9 @@ function Base.repeat(at::FlexibleSystem, n::NTuple{3})

bb = [c1 * n[1], c2 * n[2], c3 * n[3]]
return FlexibleSystem(particles, bb, boundary_conditions(at))
bb = (c1 * n[1], c2 * n[2], c3 * n[3])
return FlexibleSystem(particles; bounding_box = bb,
periodicity = periodicity(at))

Base.repeat(at::FlexibleSystem, n::Integer) = repeat(at, (n,n,n))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -120,7 +121,7 @@ function rattle!(at::FlexibleSystem, r::Quantity)

rattle!(sys::FlexibleSystem, r::AbstractFloat) =
rattle!(sys, r * unit(position(sys)[1][1]))
rattle!(sys, r * unit(position(sys, 1)[1]))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -168,11 +169,11 @@ union(sys1::FlexibleSystem, sys2::FlexibleSystem)
takes the union of two particle systems provided their cells are identical.
function union(sys1::FlexibleSystem, sys2::FlexibleSystem)
@assert boundary_conditions(sys1) == boundary_conditions(sys2)
@assert periodicity(sys1) == periodicity(sys2)
@assert bounding_box(sys1) == bounding_box(sys2)
return FlexibleSystem(union(sys1.particles, sys2.particles),
boundary_conditions(at) )
bounding_box = bounding_box(at),
periodicit = periodicity(at) )

Expand Down
69 changes: 32 additions & 37 deletions test/test_bulk.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,40 +1,34 @@

using AtomsBuilder, Test, AtomsBase, Unitful, Random
import JuLIP
using AtomsBuilder
using Test, AtomsBase, Unitful, Random, JSON
# import JuLIP


@info("Testing `bulk` and `repeat` against JuLIP reference implementation")

function _compare_particle(x1, x2)
return (x1.position x2.position) && (x1.atomic_symbol == x2.atomic_symbol)

function _compare_at(at, at_f)
return ( at.boundary_conditions == at_f.boundary_conditions &&
at.bounding_box == at_f.bounding_box &&
all(_compare_particle.(at.particles, at_f.particles)) )

for sym in [:Si, :Ge, :W, :Ti]
at = bulk(sym)
at_f = FlexibleSystem(JuLIP.bulk(sym))
@test _compare_at(at, at_f)

at = bulk(sym, cubic=true)
at_f = FlexibleSystem(JuLIP.bulk(sym, cubic=true))
@test _compare_at(at, at_f)

for nn in (rand(1:3), rand(2:4), 2)
at = bulk(sym) * nn
at_f = FlexibleSystem(JuLIP.bulk(sym) * nn)
@test _compare_at(at, at_f)
@info("Testing `bulk` and `repeat` against JuLIP reference implementation")

at = bulk(sym, cubic=true) * nn
at_f = FlexibleSystem(JuLIP.bulk(sym, cubic=true) * nn)
@test _compare_at(at, at_f)
test_systems = JSON.parsefile(joinpath(@__DIR__(), "..", "data", "test_systems.json"))

_ustripvecvec(X) = [ ustrip.(x) for x in X ]

compare_system(sys_f, sys_j) = (
all( ustrip.( hcat(bounding_box(sys_f)...) ) .≈ hcat(sys_j["cell"]...)' ) &&
all( AtomsBuilder._convert_pbc(sys_j["pbc"]) .== periodicity(sys_f) ) &&
all( atomic_number(sys_f, :) .== sys_j["Z"] ) &&
all( _ustripvecvec(position(sys_f, :)) .≈ sys_j["X"] ) )

for D in test_systems
nn = D["nn"] isa Integer ? D["nn"] : tuple(D["nn"]...)
sys_f = bulk( Symbol(D["sym"]);
cubic = D["cubic"],
pbc = D["pbc"] )
if nn != 1
sys_f = sys_f * nn
@test compare_system(sys_f, D["sys"])


Expand All @@ -43,23 +37,24 @@ sys0 = rattle!(bulk(:C, cubic=true) * (2,3,4), 0.1u"Å")
sys1 = rattle!(bulk(:C, cubic=true) * (2,3,4), 0.1)
sys2 = rattle!(bulk(:C) * (2,3,4), 0.1)

X = position(sys1)
X = position(sys1, :)
Xnew = [ x .+ 0.01u"Å" for x in X ]
sys3 = set_positions(sys1, Xnew)
@test position(sys3) == Xnew
@test position(sys3, :) == Xnew

Z = atomic_number(sys1)
Z = atomic_number(sys1, :)
@test all(Z .== AtomsBuilder.Chemistry.atomic_number(:C))
zO = AtomsBuilder.Chemistry.atomic_number(:O)
Znew = copy(Z); Znew[3:5:end] .= zO
sys4 = set_elements(sys3, Znew)
@test all(atomic_number(sys4) .== Znew)
@test all(atomic_number(sys4, :) .== Znew)

pold = deepcopy(sys4.particles)
deleteat!(sys4, 1:5)
@test position.(pold[6:end]) == position(sys4)
@test atomic_mass.(pold[6:end]) == atomic_mass(sys4)
@test atomic_number.(pold[6:end]) == atomic_number(sys4)
@test position.(pold[6:end]) == position(sys4, :)
@test mass.(pold[6:end]) == mass(sys4, :)
@test atomic_number.(pold[6:end]) == atomic_number(sys4, :)

Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions test/test_utils.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ using AtomsBuilder, Test, AtomsBase, Unitful, Random
sys = bulk(:Ti, cubic=true) * 5
sys = randz!(sys, [ :Ti => 0.5, :O => 0.5 ])
Z = atomic_number(sys)
@test count( Z .== 8 ) / length(Z) > 0.45
@test count( Z .== 22 ) / length(Z) > 0.45
Z = atomic_number(sys, :)
@test count( Z .== 8 ) / length(Z) > 0.4
@test count( Z .== 22 ) / length(Z) > 0.4

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