KernelDensity v0.6.0
Closed issues:
- BoundsError with Interpolations 0.9.x (#60)
- accessors for gridpoints and corresponding densities (#67)
- Tag a release (#73)
- extend methods for TrackedArray and TrackedReal (#76)
- N-variate KDE (#81)
- drop Optim? (#83)
Merged pull requests:
- Support Interpolations v0.9 (#61) (@JLTastet)
- Remove upper version bound for Interpolations (#65) (@JLTastet)
- a Project.toml, remove REQUIRE, update travis conf (#70) (@tpapp)
- Document that slots can be accessed as part of the API. (#72) (@tpapp)
- Install TagBot as a GitHub Action (#79) (@JuliaTagBot)
- Update Readme.md (#82) (@PaulSoderlind)
- Remove optim in favor of independent golden section implementation (#84) (@piever)
- add compat bounds, CompatHelper, prepare for release (#86) (@tpapp)