Implement Morse communication between 2 lego NXT from Microphone.
LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT PROJECT Course CS428 Embedded Systems Computer Science Department University Of Crete
- Thodoris Pontzouktzidis csd4336
- Dimitris Vlachos csd4492
- Alexandros Tevrentzidis csd4383
We Used all the drivers we made for previously (Lego_NXT repos.) to Implement Morse communication between 2 Lego NXT bricks. aic | pit | lcd | spi | pio | twi
when the brick powers on display a logo frame and the first letters of each teammate name accompanied by the corresponding morse beeps.
The menu is designed as a tree-like data structure. Everything for the menu visuals and functionality happens in 2 switches. We change the current_nav_state depending on which node-menu option we are and which button is pressed. We also have a variable index_of_children that acts as an index for changing the current node everytime we click enter and we select a menu option and as an index for selecting the correct text of the current node and outline it with arrows.
Morse communication between 2 lego NXT using the Microphone. writing/sending text with morse. sending/executing commands (forward, right, left, back).
- Create startup welcome message ✅
- Design a tree like data structure for menu implementation ✅
- Implement menu Visuals & functionality ✅
- Implement Morse translation utility functions ✅
- Implement touch sensor Morse input ✅
- Implement sound Morse output ✅
- Implement Mic Morse receive ✅
- Implement Mic Morse Send/Execute commands ✅
- make
- (ubuntu easier setup)
- Lego toolchain repo
In the makefile change the PREFIX (first line) to the lego toolchange dir e.g PREFIX=../lego-toolchain_23-master
- make clean
- make
- set NXT on re-program mode (one way to do this is by the pin hidden on the back of the brick or you can use the middle grey button).
- make download