An app that displays a Custom Collections list page and a Collection Details page.
You're a successful Shopify merchant with many collections of products! You’d like to keep an eye on your collections. Let’s create an app that displays a Custom Collections list page and a Collection Details page. Your app will fetch the data from the Shopify Custom Collections REST API.
Custom Collections list page: A simple list of every custom collection (e.g. In our above response you will see we will need cells for: Aerodynamic, Durable and Small). Tapping on a collection launches the Collection Details page. Collection Details page: A list of every product for a specific collection. Each row in the list needs to contain, at a minimum: The name of the product The total available inventory across all variants of the product The collection title The collection image
To fetch the products for a custom collection you will need to retrieve the list of collects in a specific collection first :
(replace collection_id with the appropriate id you retrieved from the collections list)
Then load the product details with each product_id in the collect list :
(replace ids with the appropriate product ids separated by a comma)
iOS 10.0+ / macOS 10.12+ / tvOS 10.0+ / watchOS 3.0+ / Swift 4.0+
- Install Pods from pod file
- Open ShopifyTest.xcworkspace Project
- Almofire : Fetch Data from web Api
- Kf Kingfisher : Fetch Image from url
- Toast : To show Loading while fetching data from webservice