Simple water budget model for the Lower and Upper Macleay areas
Instructions regarding the R code for recharge time series simulation of the Lower and Upper Macleay areas:
Copy/save the R code and the Input_Data folder into a folder of your preferred location on your computer. The location of this folder will be set as your working directory in your R code. The Input_Data folder contains two txt files (Lower and Upper Macleay) with time series of precipitation [mm/d], actual evapotranspiration [mm/d] and observed recharge events for the time period 2012 to 2019.
Before running the "Model_Macleay.R" file, R program must be installed on your computer.
Follow the instructions below to install R and to run the R code: • Install R program Download and install R (version: R-3.5.0 or latest version) for your operating system from • Install R studio Download and install R studio from, Rstudio is also available as part of Anaconda distribution ( I
Open the R file. Insert the working directory in line 30 to the direction of your folder. Run the R code.
Results of Macleay function in the R code: • After running the Macleay function, numbers of observed and simulated events and numbers of the matches and missmatches are printed in the console.
Output of the R code: • txt files containing time series of recharge [mm/d], matches and missmatches for the Lower and Upper Macleay areas. Stored in the "Output_Data" folder generated by the R code at your working directory. As the model is considering a warm up period the time series of the output files are from 01.07.2014 to 01.07.2019.
For questions - about the model contact Romane Berthelin; Email: [email protected] about the code contact Mirjam Scheller; Email: [email protected]