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Filipe Freire edited this page Feb 20, 2023 · 13 revisions

Currently the following output targets are supported:


Golang HTTP client request

Option Default Description
checkErrors false add error checking for request, response and body
printBody true include code to print the body as a string
timeout -1 sets a request timeout in seconds (requires go 1.3+)


Lightweight HTTP Request Client Library

Option Default Description
indent line break & indent output value

An HTTP Request Client Library

Option Default Description
indent line break & indent output value


Perform an asynchronous HTTP (Ajax) requests with jQuery

Option Default Description
indent line break & indent output value

W3C Standard API that provides scripted client functionality

Option Default Description
cors true use xhr.withCredentials = true
indent line break & indent output value


Node.js native HTTP interface

Option Default Description
indent line break & indent output value

Simplified HTTP request client

Option Default Description
indent line break & indent output value

Lightweight HTTP Request Client Library

Option Default Description
indent line break & indent output value


Foundation's NSURLSession request

Option Default Description
indent line break & indent output value
pretty true indent extracted headers/parameters in NSDictionary literals
timeout 10 NSURLRequest timeout


CoHTTP is a very lightweight HTTP server using Lwt or Async for OCaml

Option Default Description
indent line break & indent output value


PHP with ext-curl

Option Default Description
closingTag false add a closing tag ?>
indent line break & indent output value
maxRedirects 10 value for CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS
namedErrors false attempt to display curl error name instead of #
noTags false do NOT output start and end tags: <?php, ?>
shortTags false use short opening tag: <?
timeout 30 value for CURLOPT_TIMEOUT

PHP with pecl/http v1

Option Default Description
closingTag false add a closing tag ?>
indent line break & indent output value
noTags false do NOT output start and end tags: <?php, ?>
shortTags false use short opening tag: <?

PHP with pecl/http v2

Option Default Description
closingTag false add a closing tag ?>
indent line break & indent output value
noTags false do NOT output start and end tags: <?php, ?>
shortTags false use short opening tag: <?


Python3 HTTP Client

Requests HTTP library


Ruby HTTP client


cURL is a command line tool and library for transferring data with URL syntax

Option Default Description
indent line break & indent output value, set to false to disable line breaks
short false use short form of cURL CLI options

a CLI, cURL-like tool for humans

Option Default Description
body false only the response body is printed
cert false use a client side certificate (see httpie docs)
headers false only the response headers are printed
indent line break & indent output value, set to false to disable line breaks
pretty false syntax highlighting (see httpie docs)
print false selects parts of the HTTP exchange, e.g. --print=Hh (see httpie docs)
queryParams false use query params as CLI parameters otherwise, query string is added to URL
short false use short form of cURL CLI options
style false syntax highlighting (see httpie docs)
timeout false overwrite the default 30s timeout
verbose false print the whole HTTP exchange (request and response)
verify false server SSL certificate verification (see httpie docs)

a free software package for retrieving files using HTTP, HTTPS

Option Default Description
indent line break & indent output value, set to false to disable line breaks
short false use short form of cURL CLI options
verbose false by default, --quiet is always used, unless verbose is set to true


Foundation's NSURLSession request

Option Default Description
indent line break & indent output value
pretty true indent extracted headers/parameters in NSDictionary literals
timeout 10 NSURLRequest timeout


Simple REST and HTTP API Client for .NET


A easy-to-use client-side URL transfer library