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Releases: KovaaK/SensitivityMatcher

Version 1.5

11 Dec 13:56
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[version 1.5]


New Feature: Rawinput recording

  • In Measurement Mode, you can now set up initial guesses more quickly using your mouse instead (default hotkey is [Alt][/] to toggle recording).
  • Just record rotations with slight over- or undershoots and mark them accordingly. This immediately narrows down the range, from then on you can further converge the measurement using the repeater.
  • This feature is also great for helping new FPS players quickly find a comfortable initial sensitivity. Just record two 180° swipes that you can do comfortably, and the corresponding setting is given for you to set in game.
  • The physical sensitivity calculator now also includes a CPI calibration feature to take advantage of the rawinput capability. This lets you get a more accurate calculation of your physical sensitivity accounting for variances in mouse.

New Feature: Chatbot integration

  • Copy your newly measured sens into your Nightbot !sens commands with the click of a button!
  • Just click on "Share" in the physical stats calculator, text summarizing your settings will be generated.
  • It will conveniently include your game-specific sensitivity value, your mouse cpi, and the physical sensitivity values representing your overall setting.

Usability Change: Default hotkeys of some commands have been changed

  • Turn once: Alt [ changed to Alt Backspace
  • Turn a lot: Alt ] changed to Alt Shift Backspace
  • Jog right: Alt ' changed to Alt >
  • Jog left: Alt ; changed to Alt <

Enhancement: Convergence Log window during Measurement Mode

  • Graph showing convergence progress of your estimate tuning.
  • GUI buttons for the fine-tuner function, for those who prefer them over hotkeys.
  • Display the convergence history as a table (in addition to the detailed log file output).


Revert: removed the autocycle scaling that was added in 1.4 -- too hidden of a mechanic
New: changed default hotkeys for tuning and jogging counts. See helptext.
New: changing the cpi field will now immediately save to ini.
New: script will make distinct beeps when activating/deactivating rawinput recording with hotkeys. Activating with GUI button will show a confirmation dialog instead.

Version 1.4

22 Oct 12:46
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Release Highlights

[version 1.4]

New Feature: Measurement Report

  • To facilitate crowdsourced measurement of yaw scales, measurement reports (.csv) are now produced automatically to better enable rigorous verification of shared results.

Enhancement (active only in measurement mode): Measurement Cycle Autoscale and Nudge hotkeys

  • Number of multi-cycles auto bumps up during measurement mode as your uncertainty decreases.
    (Only starts to kicks-in when you get really precise)
  • Nudge hotkeys (move one count left/right) to verify whether suspected drift exceeds margin of error.
    (Residual artifact can drift up to half increment both ways)

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New: Number of cycles bumps up to the (best-case) minimum required to possibly drift one increment given the uncertainty (measurement mode only).
New: Added Nudge hotkeys that lets you send individual counts to check if deviation is at least one count
(measurement mode only).

New: Added button to save current inputs to startup values.
New: Added back the "Custom" item. Upon selection, it makes your yaw equal the current increment.
New: Saved custom yaw now includes uncertainty if obtained from measurement. Info dialogue also shows uncertainty.
New: Asks whether user would like to use default binds if specific hotkeys are markedly unbound.
New: "Info" button shows contexual instructions depending on selected mode.
Fix: Measurement hotkeys now unbinds properly if ini is tweaked while still in measurement mode.
Fix: Measurement bounds are no longer lost when swapping yaw and sens; cancelling Save now restores swap options.
Fix: Minor optimization for floating point precision for multi-cycle turns.

Version 1.3

03 Sep 19:15
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Release Notes

[version 1.3]

New Feature: Custom keybind and yaw .ini files

  • Loads custom yaw list and keybinds from respective .ini files placed in executable directory.
  • Select "Save current yaw" from dropdown to save currently-entered yaw value to list.
  • Moved two Fornite presets to .ini file.

New Feature: Physical stats calculator

  • Enter your mouse CPI to calculate your physical sensitivity, or enter physical metric to find corresponding virtual sens.
  • Curvature in MPI and deg/mm. (universal, linear scale of physical sensitivity)
  • Circumference in cm/rev and in/rev. (physical length of a turn, reciprocal scale of physical sensitivity)

Bug Fix: Measurement Mode autopartition now normalizes when changing partition limit rather than set straight to cap.
Tweak: During Measurement Mode you can select "Swap sens & yaw" from dropdown so you don't need to copy&paste to save.

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Version 1.1

19 Aug 01:38
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Release Notes

[version 1.1]

New Feature: Measurement Mode

You can now measure any unknown sensitivity/game, by telling the script whether you're under- or overshooting.
Turn rate during measurement mode is dynamically adjusted according to measurement uncertainty.

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Version 1.0

04 Aug 11:49
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Release Notes

[version 1.0]

Initial release

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