This repository contains the processing code used in the experiments of the paper "Heteroscedastic Gaussian Processes and Random Features: Scalable Motion Primitives with Guarantees" (Edoardo Caldarelli, Antoine Chatalic, Adrià Colomé, Lorenzo Rosasco, Carme Torras), published in the 7th Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL), Atlanta, GA, USA, 2023.
The data of the trajectories are taken from []. The implementation of the heteroscedastic Gaussian process (HGP) with random features (RFs) is based on the gpflow Python package [].
The required packages can be installed by running the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
In order to process the trajectories of the three experiments offline, run the script
. In this case, all the human demonstrations are merged and form a unique dataset, for each task. The results can be found in the experiments' directories, e.g., proof-of-concept
In order to process the trajectories online, run the script
. In this case, the posterior distribution of the HGP is subject to low-rank updates as soon as a new trajectory is processed. The experiments are run with RFs and with the Nyström method. Note that the exact GP needs to be fitted to the data via
prior to running this script.
The script
contains the implementation of the EM algorithm used for training the RF-HGP and the exact HGP. The script
contains the EM algorithm adapted to the sparse variationl Gaussian process (SVGP) by Hensman et al. (2013).
The script
contains the implementation of the RF-based kernel, as well as the Nyström approximation used in our online processing experiments.
This repository further contains the code that can be used to generate our plots. This code can be found in
(plotting the oracle experiments and the theoretical rates),
, plotting the results of the incremental learning experiments, and
, plotting the results of our heuristic experiments.