============================= Release Notes: v0.95 ==============================
Support for new training algorithms:
- Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN)
Support for new network structures:
- Variational Autoencoders
- CycleGAN
- Combined Autoencoders with CycleGAN
- Deep Recurrent Attention Model (DRAM), Ba et al. (2015)
- Video Recurrent Attention Model (VRAM)
Support for new layers:
- Optimized Top-K accuracy (CPU, GPU)
- Crop (CPU, GPU)
- Sort (CPU, GPU) both ascending and descending order
- Absolute value (CPU, GPU)
- Mean-squared (CPU, GPU)
- Top-K categorical accuracy (CPU, GPU)
- Cross-entropy (CPU, GPU)
- Stop gradient (CPU, GPU)
Performance optimizations:
- Use Pinned memory for CPU activations matrices
- Non-blocking GPU computation of objective functions and metrics
- Refactored weight matrices and weight initialization
- Manage GPU workspace buffers with memory pool
- Slice and concatenation layer emit matrix views if possible
- Used more fine-grained asynchronous calls when using Aluminum Library
- Minimized GPU stream synchronization events per call
- Improved / minimized synchronization events when using a single GPU
- Fixed GPU workspace size
- GPU implementation of Adagrad optimizer
- GPU model-parallel softmax
- Optimized local CUDA kernel implementations
- Support for distributed matrices with arbitrary alignment
Model portability & Usability:
- Keras to LBANN prototext conversion tool
Internals Features:
- Support for multiple objective functions and metrics per network with arbitrary placement
- Objective functions represented as layers
- Metrics represented as layers
- Introduced evaluation layer construct
- Ability to freeze specific layers for pre-training / fine-tuning
- Refactoring tensor setup in setup, forward prop, and back prop
- Layers store matrices in private smart pointers
- Model automatically inserts evaluation layers where needed
- Copy Layer activations between models
- Annotated GPU profiling output with training phases
- Fixed initialization of Comm object and Grid objects when using multiple models
- General code cleanup, refactoring, and various bug fixes.
- All layers overwrite error signal matrices
- NCCL backend is now implemented via Aluminum Library
- MPI calls are routed through the LBANN Comm object into Hydrogen or Aluminum
- Provide runtime statistics summary from every rank
- Reworked LBANN to use Hydrogen to manage GPU memory
- GPU allocations now via CUB memory pool
- Fixed Spack build interaction with Hydrogen Library
I/O & data readers:
- Support for Conduit objects with HDF5 formatting
- In-memory and locally offloaded data store
- Data Store can hold the entire training set in memory (or node-local storage)
- Data store will shuffle data samples between epochs and present samples to input layer
- Updated synthetic data reader
- Modified data readers to handle bad samples in JAG conduit data
- Reworked the I/O layers (input and target) so that the input layer produces both the
sample and label / response if necessary.- Target layer is being deprecated
- Updated image data reader to use cv::imdecode to accelerate image load times
- Allow users to specify an array of data sources for the independent/dependent
variables via prototext