============================== Release Notes: v0.96 ==============================
Support for new layers:
- Log softmax
- Basic math functions
- Weights layer, which outputs a weights tensor
- L2 norm squared
- Binary cross entropy loss and sigmoid binary cross entropy loss
- Boolean accuracy, Boolean false negative rate, Boolean false positive rate
- Bilinear resize
- Variance and covariance
- Dilated and grouped convolution (GPU only)
Performance optimizations:
- Optimized GPU model-parallel softmax layer
Model portability & usability:
- Option for weight initialization with user-provided list of values
- Callback to save any layer output as an image
Internal features:
- Provide compile time option to selectively disable OpenMP for data fetching loop
- Thrust calls no longer involve the default CUDA stream
I/O & data readers:
- Reworked jag_conduit data reader:
- Support the updated JAG simulation data output format
- Use direct HDF5 I/O for on-demand data loading with Conduit
- Ingest a unique set of data files per instance
- Allow exclusive data partitioning among multiple trainers
- Multi-channel images
- Normalization of JAG data
- Interface to select images of specific views and time indices
- Interface to describe how to slice JAG data
- Avoid redundant fetching and incoherent random number pulls in the group of local data readers
- Improved threading performance by preallocating scratch space for loading samples
Build system:
- Support cross-compilation configurations in superbuild and SetupProtobuf