A Discord Bot that is used to play music
Written in Python, not configured for public usage. Currently hosted on Microsoft Azure on selected servers to provide music playing features.
- Play music from YouTube
- Have a queue of songs
- Choose to download the songs or stream directly
- Supports URL from YouTube playlists, enqueues all of them
- Does not support YouTube search query links
- Does not support playing in multiple channels in the same server at the same time
Please use "/" to see the available commands after adding the bot to the server
- /play [URL] - Play something from URL. Note: DOES NOT SUPPORT YouTube Playlist links or YouTube Mix Links
- /skip - Skips the currently playing song
- /queue - Shows the current list of songs
- /clear - To clear the whole queue
- /remove [index] - To remove a song from the queue with an index
- /playlist-add [name] [URL] - To add a song with the given URL to the specified playlist. Note: DOES NOT SUPPORT YouTube Playlist links at the moment
- /playlist-remove [name] [index] - To remove a song from the playlist with the given name and index
- /playlist-show - To show all the playlists available in the current server
- /playlist-view [name] - To show the songs in the playlist with a given name
- /playlist-enqueue [name] [shuffle] - To enqueue a playlist to the currently playing queue, with an option to shuffle or not
Application is developed on ARM Mac and Windows 11.
It is tested to run perfectly on Windows 11, Mac OS Ventura 13.4, Alpine Linux.
- Python 3.11.4
- discord.py 2.3.1
- yt-dlp 2023.7.6
- ffmpeg 6.0
- PyNaCl 1.5.0
- opus library (If on Linux system, might need to install through package manager)