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The LibreWeb homepage.



  • Hugo v0.8 or higher

Install the latest Hugo release from GitHub.

Starting server

Start the website locally via:

hugo serve

By default the URL should be: http://localhost:1313/.

Changing content

Most of the content of the single-page LibreWeb website is actually located in the config.toml file.

Git WoW

First fork this project in GitLab under your own account. This will allow you push your changes to master or a new branches (creating separate branch is preferred).

When you forked this project, don't forget to add the upstream git repository to your local fork/clone. Allowing you to keep in sync with the upstream remote. Via:

git clone [email protected]:<your_username>/libreweb-website.git # Change the URL to <your_username> link of your Fork (see GitLab)
cd docs-website
git remote add upstream
git checkout master # Check-out your local master branch
git pull upstream master # Which fetches and merges the changes from upstream into your local branch
git push

When you already made changes in your branch, be sure to: git add -A && git commit -am "new message" them first before executing a git pull upstream master.

The last step is creating a new merge request in GitLab. Select your fork and branch as the source, and libreweb/docs-website with the master branch as the target.

Hugo Documentation

See the official Hugo Getting started.